S. Ehsan Hashemi-Petroodi
S. Ehsan Hashemi-Petroodi
Assistant Professor, KEDGE Business School, Bordeaux, France
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Operations management issues in design and control of hybrid human-robot collaborative manufacturing systems: a survey
SE Hashemi-Petroodi, S Thevenin, S Kovalev, A Dolgui
Annual Reviews in Control 49, 264-276, 2020
Workforce reconfiguration strategies in manufacturing systems: a state of the art
SE Hashemi-Petroodi, A Dolgui, S Kovalev, MY Kovalyov, S Thevenin
International Journal of Production Research 59 (22), 6721-6744, 2021
Simulation-based optimization approach with scenario-based product sequence in a reconfigurable manufacturing system (RMS): A case study
SEH Petroodi, ABD Eynaud, N Klement, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam
IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (13), 2638-2643, 2019
Model-dependent task assignment in multi-manned mixed-model assembly lines with walking workers
SE Hashemi-Petroodi, S Thevenin, S Kovalev, A Dolgui
Omega 113, 102688, 2022
Workforce planning and assignment in mixed-model assembly lines as a factor of line reconfigurability: state of the art
A Dolgui, SEH Petroodi, S Kovalev, MY Kovalyov, S Thevenin
IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (13), 2746-2751, 2019
Markov decision process for multi-manned mixed-model assembly lines with walking workers
SE Hashemi-Petroodi, S Thevenin, S Kovalev, A Dolgui
International Journal of Production Economics 255, 108661, 2023
A skill-and feature-based approach to planning process monitoring in assembly planning
C Gonnermann, SE Hashemi-Petroodi, S Thevenin, A Dolgui, R Daub
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 122 (5), 2645 …, 2022
Supply chain coordination based on mean-variance risk optimisation: pricing, warranty, and full-refund decisions
AA Taleizadeh, A Amjadian, SE Hashemi-Petroodi, I Moon
International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics 10 (1), 2249808, 2023
Profitability of a multi-model manufacturing line versus multiple dedicated lines
A Dolgui, SE Hashemi-Petroodi, S Kovalev, MY Kovalyov
International Journal of Production Economics 236, 108113, 2021
Mixed-model assembly line design with new product variants in production generations
SE Hashemi-Petroodi, S Thevenin, A Dolgui
IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (10), 25-30, 2022
The impact of dynamic tasks assignment in paced mixed-model assembly line with moving workers
SE Hashemi-Petroodi, S Thevenin, S Kovalev, A Dolgui
Advances in Production Management Systems. Towards Smart and Digital …, 2020
Simulation-based optimization approach with scenario-based product sequence in a reconfigurable manufacturing system (RMS): a case study. IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (13), 2638–2643 …
SEH Petroodi, ABD Eynaud, N Klement, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam
9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control MIM, 2019
Robust design and reconfiguration planning of mixed-model assembly lines under uncertain evolutions of product family
Y Mezghani, SE Hashemi-Petroodi, S Thevenin, A Dolgui
International Journal of Production Research 62 (13), 4957-4979, 2024
Decision support system for joint product design and reconfiguration of production systems
SE Hashemi-Petroodi, C Gonnermann, M Paul, S Thevenin, A Dolgui, ...
Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management for the …, 2019
The configuration of workforce and equipment in assembly lines
SEH Petroodi, S Thevenin, A Dolgui
Manufacturing from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0: Advances and Applications …, 2024
An adversarial approach for the mixed-model assembly line design with new product variants in production generations
SE Hashemi-Petroodi, Y Mezghani, S Thevenin, A Dolgui
IFAC-PapersOnLine 58 (19), 97-102, 2024
The configuration of workforce and equipment in assembly lines: toward Industry 5.0
SE Hashemi-Petroodi, S Thevenin, A Dolgui
Manufacturing from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0, 207-230, 2024
Predicting makespan in Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem using Machine Learning
SE Hashemi-Petroodi, S Thevenin, A Dolgui
MIM 2022: 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and …, 2022
Combinatorial optimization for the configuration of workforce and equipment in reconfigurable assembly lines
SEH Petroodi
Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique, 2021
Optimisation combinatoire pour l’affectation des opérateurs et la configuration des équipements dans les lignes d’assemblage reconfigurables
SEH Petroodi
Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire, 2021
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