James P. Hobert
James P. Hobert
Professor of Statistics, University of Florida
Email yang diverifikasi di ufl.edu
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Maximizing generalized linear mixed model likelihoods with an automated Monte Carlo EM algorithm
JG Booth, JP Hobert
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 1999
The effect of improper priors on Gibbs sampling in hierarchical linear mixed models
JP Hobert, G Casella
Journal of the American Statistical Association 91 (436), 1461-1473, 1996
Honest exploration of intractable probability distributions via Markov chain Monte Carlo
GL Jones, JP Hobert
Statistical Science, 312-334, 2001
Random‐effects modeling of categorical response data
A Agresti, JG Booth*, JP Hobert*, B Caffo*
Sociological Methodology 30 (1), 27-80, 2000
Standard errors of prediction in generalized linear mixed models
JG Booth, JP Hobert
Journal of the American Statistical Association 93 (441), 262-272, 1998
Negative binomial loglinear mixed models
JG Booth, G Casella, H Friedl, JP Hobert
Statistical Modelling 3 (3), 179-191, 2003
On the applicability of regenerative simulation in Markov chain Monte Carlo
JP Hobert, GL Jones, B Presnell, JS Rosenthal
Biometrika 89 (4), 731-743, 2002
Sufficient burn-in for Gibbs samplers for a hierarchical random effects model
GL Jones, JP Hobert
Clustering using objective functions and stochastic search
JG Booth, G Casella, JP Hobert
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 2008
The Polya-Gamma Gibbs sampler for Bayesian logistic regression is uniformly ergodic
HM Choi, JP Hobert
Convergence rates and asymptotic standard errors for Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for Bayesian probit regression
V Roy, JP Hobert
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 2007
Geometric ergodicity of Gibbs and block Gibbs samplers for a hierarchical random effects model
JP Hobert, CJ Geyer
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 67 (2), 414-430, 1998
A theoretical comparison of the data augmentation, marginal augmentation and PX-DA algorithms
JP Hobert, D Marchev
Functional compatibility, Markov chains, and Gibbs sampling with improper posteriors
JP Hobert, G Casella
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 7 (1), 42-60, 1998
A survey of Monte Carlo algorithms for maximizing the likelihood of a two-stage hierarchical model
JG Booth, JP Hobert, W Jank
Statistical Modelling 1 (4), 333-349, 2001
The data augmentation algorithm: Theory and methodology
JP Hobert
Handbook of Markov Chain Monte Carlo, 253-293, 2011
Geometric ergodicity of the Bayesian lasso
K Khare, JP Hobert
Geometric Ergodicity of van Dyk and Meng's Algorithm for the Multivariate Student's t Model
D Marchev, JP Hobert
Journal of the American Statistical Association 99 (465), 228-238, 2004
Block Gibbs sampling for Bayesian random effects models with improper priors: Convergence and regeneration
A Tan, JP Hobert
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 18 (4), 861-878, 2009
Geometric ergodicity of the Gibbs sampler for Bayesian quantile regression
K Khare, JP Hobert
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 112, 108-116, 2012
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