Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Rui ZhangPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 5
MARS: Mobile Application Relaunching Speed-Up through Flash-Aware Page Swapping
W Guo, K Chen, H Feng, Y Wu, R Zhang, W Zheng
IEEE Transactions on Computers 65 (3), 916-928, 2016
Mandat: Australian Research Council, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Enabling precision/recall preferences for semi-supervised svm training
Z Wen, R Zhang, K Ramamohanarao
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Conference on …, 2014
Mandat: Australian Research Council
Distributed Hypergraph Processing Using Intersection Graphs
Y Gu, K Yu, Z Song, J Qi, Z Wang, G Yu, R Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2020
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
GiTS: Gist-driven Text Segmentation
Y Ding, Y Dai, HT Zheng, R Zhang
2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2022
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
LordBERT: Embedding Long Text by Segment Ordering with BERT
B Chen, R Sun, Y Dai, HT Zheng, R Zhang
2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2022
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 103
Entity alignment between knowledge graphs using attribute embeddings
BD Trisedya, J Qi, R Zhang
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 33 (01), 297-304, 2019
Mandat: Australian Research Council, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Destination prediction by sub-trajectory synthesis and privacy protection against such prediction
AY Xue, R Zhang, Y Zheng, X Xie, J Huang, Z Xu
2013 IEEE 29th international conference on data engineering (ICDE), 254-265, 2013
Mandat: Australian Research Council
Doubly robust joint learning for recommendation on data missing not at random
X Wang, R Zhang, Y Sun, J Qi
International Conference on Machine Learning, 6638-6647, 2019
Mandat: Australian Research Council
KDGAN: Knowledge Distillation with Generative Adversarial Networks.
X Wang, R Zhang, Y Sun, J Qi
NeurIPS, 783-794, 2018
Mandat: Australian Research Council
Neural relation extraction for knowledge base enrichment
B Distiawan, G Weikum, J Qi, R Zhang
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2019
Mandat: Australian Research Council, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Towards Open-World Recommendation with Knowledge Augmentation from Large Language Models
Y Xi, W Liu, J Lin, J Zhu, B Chen, R Tang, W Zhang, R Zhang, Y Yu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.10933, 2023
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Locomotion activity recognition using stacked denoising autoencoders
F Gu, K Khoshelham, S Valaee, J Shang, R Zhang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (3), 2085-2093, 2018
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Solving the data sparsity problem in destination prediction
AY Xue, J Qi, X Xie, R Zhang, J Huang, Y Li
The VLDB Journal 24 (2), 219-243, 2015
Mandat: Australian Research Council
GTR-LSTM: A triple encoder for sentence generation from RDF data
B Distiawan, J Qi, R Zhang, W Wang
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2018
Mandat: Australian Research Council
BARS: Towards Open Benchmarking for Recommender Systems
J Zhu, K Mao, Q Dai, L Su, R Ma, J Liu, G Cai, Z Dou, X Xiao, R Zhang
SIGIR 2022 (arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.09626), 2022
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Collaborative intent prediction with real-time contextual data
Y Sun, NJ Yuan, X Xie, K McDonald, R Zhang
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 35 (4), 1-33, 2017
Mandat: Australian Research Council
SmartVM: a SLA-aware microservice deployment framework
T Zheng, X Zheng, Y Zhang, Y Deng, EX Dong, R Zhang, X Liu
World Wide Web 22 (1), 275-293, 2019
Mandat: Australian Research Council
Neural Graph Matching based Collaborative Filtering
Y Su, R Zhang, S Erfani, J Gan
SIGIR Conference 2021, 2021
Mandat: Australian Research Council
Scalable hypergraph learning and processing
J Huang, R Zhang, JX Yu
2015 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 775-780, 2015
Mandat: Australian Research Council, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Countering overlapping rectangle privacy attack for moving knn queries
T Hashem, L Kulik, R Zhang
Information Systems 38 (3), 430-453, 2013
Mandat: Australian Research Council
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