Classical and quantum computation AY Kitaev, A Shen, MN Vyalyi
American Mathematical Soc., 2002
1917 2002 Construction of contour trees in 3D in O(n log n ) steps SP Tarasov, MN Vyalyi
Proceedings of the fourteenth annual symposium on Computational geometry, 68-75, 1998
138 1998 Commutative version of the k-local Hamiltonian problem and common eigenspace problem S Bravyi, M Vyalyi
arXiv preprint quant-ph/0308021, 2003
98 2003 Qma= pp implies that pp contains ph M Vyalyi
ECCCTR: Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity, technical reports, 2003
54 2003 Characterizing (quasi-) ultrametric finite spaces in terms of (directed) graphs V Gurvich, M Vyalyi
Discrete Applied Mathematics 160 (12), 1742-1756, 2012
48 2012 Classical and quantum computing G Jaeger
Quantum Information: An Overview, 203-217, 2007
41 2007 Semidefinite programming and arithmetic circuit evaluation SP Tarasov, MN Vyalyi
Discrete Applied Mathematics 156 (11), 2070-2078, 2008
22 2008 Orbits of linear maps and regular languages S Tarasov, M Vyalyi
International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, 305-316, 2011
19 2011 On regular realizability problems MN Vyalyi
Problems of Information Transmission 47 (4), 342-352, 2011
15 2011 On models of a nondeterministic computation MN Vyalyi
International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, 334-345, 2009
15 2009 Regular realizability problems and context-free languages A Rubtsov, M Vyalyi
International Workshop on Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems, 256-267, 2015
14 2015 The stability of the Voronoi diagram MN Vyalyi, EN Gordeyev, SP Tarasov
Computational mathematics and mathematical physics 36 (3), 405-414, 1996
12 1996 Efficient algorithms for sparse cyclotomic integer zero testing Q Cheng, SP Tarasov, MN Vyalyi
Theory of Computing Systems 46 (1), 120-142, 2010
11 2010 Klassicheskie i kvantovye vychisleniia AY Kitaev, A Shen, MN Vyalyi
MTsNMO-CheRo, 1999
11 1999 More about Exact Slow -Nim N Chikin, V Gurvich, K Knop, M Paterson, M Vyalyi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.03528, 2021
10 2021 Gr\" unbaum coloring and its generalization to arbitrary dimension S Lawrencenko, MN Vyalyi, LV Zgonnik
arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.03959, 2016
10 2016 Нижняя оценка мощности области определения универсальных функций для класса линейных булевых функций АА Вороненко, МН Вялый
Дискретная математика 28 (4), 50-57, 2016
10 * 2016 Ultrametrics, trees, and bottleneck arcs V Gurvich, M Vyalyi
Math. Ed., Moscow: MCNMO 3 (16), 75-88, 2012
9 2012 Classical and Quantum Computation (Graduate Studies in Mathematics vol 47)(Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society) AY Kitaev, AH Shen, MN Vyalyi
9 2002 Identical relations in symmetric groups and separating words with reversible automata RA Gimadeev, MN Vyalyi
International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, 144-155, 2010
8 2010