Mohammad Mirjalili
Mohammad Mirjalili
Department of Textile Engineering, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran
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Review for application of electrospinning and electrospun nanofibers technology in textile industry
M Mirjalili, S Zohoori
Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry 6, 207-213, 2016
Eco-friendly dyeing of wool using natural dye from weld as co-partner with synthetic dye
M Mirjalili, K Nazarpoor, L Karimi
Journal of Cleaner Production 19 (9-10), 1045-1051, 2011
Using graphene/TiO2 nanocomposite as a new route for preparation of electroconductive, self-cleaning, antibacterial and antifungal cotton fabric without toxicity
L Karimi, ME Yazdanshenas, R Khajavi, A Rashidi, M Mirjalili
Cellulose 21, 3813-3827, 2014
Adsorption of malachite green from aqueous solution by carboxylate group functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes: determination of equilibrium and kinetics parameters
M Rajabi, B Mirza, K Mahanpoor, M Mirjalili, F Najafi, O Moradi, H Sadegh, ...
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 34, 130-138, 2016
Synthesis of polyacrylonitrile/polyamidoamine composite nanofibers using electrospinning technique and their dye removal capacity
A Almasian, ME Olya, NM Mahmoodi
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 49, 119-128, 2015
Effect of Nano TiO2 on Self‐cleaning Property of Cross‐linking Cotton Fabric with Succinic Acid Under UV Irradiation
L Karimi, M Mirjalili, ME Yazdanshenas, A Nazari
Photochemistry and photobiology 86 (5), 1030-1037, 2010
Extraction and characterization of natural dye from green walnut shells and its use in dyeing polyamide: focus on antibacterial properties
M Mirjalili, L Karimi
Journal of Chemistry 2013 (1), 375352, 2013
Investigation of antibacterial activity on cotton fabrics with cold plasma in the presence of a magnetic field
S Shahidi, M Ghoranneviss, B Moazzenchi, A Rashidi, M Mirjalili
Plasma Processes and Polymers 4 (S1), S1098-S1103, 2007
Antibacterial dyeing of polyamide using turmeric as a natural dye
M Mirjalili, L Karimi
Autex Research Journal 13 (2), 51-56, 2013
Coated cotton gauze with Ag/ZnO/chitosan nanocomposite as a modern wound dressing
M Abbasipour, M Mirjalili, R Khajavi, MM Majidi
Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics 9 (1), 155892501400900114, 2014
Functional finishing of cotton fabrics using graphene oxide nanosheets decorated with titanium dioxide nanoparticles
L Karimi, ME Yazdanshenas, R Khajavi, A Rashidi, M Mirjalili
The Journal of The Textile Institute 107 (9), 1122-1134, 2016
Physicochemical Behavior of Penaeuse semisulcatuse Chitin for Pb and Cd Removal from Aqueous Environment
Z Esvandi, R Foroutan, M Mirjalili, GA Sorial, B Ramavandi
Journal of Polymers and the Environment 27, 263-274, 2019
Optimizing the photocatalytic properties and the synergistic effects of graphene and nano titanium dioxide immobilized on cotton fabric
L Karimi, ME Yazdanshenas, R Khajavi, A Rashidi, M Mirjalili
Applied Surface Science 332, 665-673, 2015
Fluorinated-PAN nanofibers: Preparation, optimization, characterization and fog harvesting property
A Almasian, GC Fard, M Mirjalili, MP Gashti
Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry 62, 146-155, 2018
Surface modification of electrospun PAN nanofibers by amine compounds for adsorption of anionic dyes
A Almasian, GC Fard, MP Gashti, M Mirjalili, ZM Shourijeh
Desalination and Water Treatment 57 (22), 10333-10348, 2016
Argon and argon–oxygen plasma surface modification of gelatin nanofibers for tissue engineering applications
A Mozaffari, M Parvinzadeh Gashti, M Mirjalili, M Parsania
Membranes 11 (1), 31, 2021
Antibacterial properties of nano silver finish cellulose fabric
M Mirjalili, N Yaghmaei, M Mirjalili
Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry 3, 1-5, 2013
Platelet-rich fibrin-loaded PCL/chitosan core-shell fibers scaffold for enhanced osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells
A Rastegar, M Mahmoodi, M Mirjalili, N Nasirizadeh
Carbohydrate Polymers 269, 118351, 2021
Hydroxylated α-Fe2O3 nanofiber: optimization of synthesis conditions, anionic dyes adsorption kinetic, isotherm and error analysis
GC Fard, M Mirjalili, F Najafi
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 70, 188-199, 2017
Unsaturated polyester resins modified with cresol novolac epoxy and silica nanoparticles: processing and mechanical properties
MM Seyed
International Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Sciences (IJCPS) 5 (1), 13-26, 2016
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