Bruce Larson
Bruce Larson
Professor of Silviculture, University of British Columbia
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Forest stand dynamics
CD Oliver, BC Larson, CD Oliver
Wiley, 1996
The practice of silviculture: applied forest ecology
MS Ashton, MJ Kelty
John Wiley & Sons, 2018
Forest ecology.
BV Barnes, DR Zak, SR Denton, SH Spurr
Comparative productivity of monocultures and mixed-species stands
MJ Kelty
The ecology and silviculture of mixed-species forests: A festschrift for …, 1992
Die Rolle von Wald und Forstwirtschaft im Kohlenstoffhaushalt. Eine Betrachtung fuer die Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
P Burschel, E Kürsten, BC Larson
Forstliche Forschungsberichte Muenchen (Germany). no. 126., 1993
Forest certification: Roots, issues, challenges, and benefits
DJ Vogt, BC Larson, JC Gordon, A Fanzeres
CRC Press, 1999
The ecology and silviculture of mixed-species forests: a festschrift for David M. Smith
MJ Kelty, BC Larson, CD Oliver
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
A fuzzy set approach to the problem of sustainability
MJ Ducey, BC Larson
Forest Ecology and Management 115 (1), 29-40, 1999
Germination and seedling growth of Quercus (section Erythrobalanus) across openings in a mixed-deciduous forest of southern New England, USA
MS Ashton, BC Larson
Forest Ecology and Management 80 (1-3), 81-94, 1996
Present role of German forests and forestry in the national carbon budget and options to its increase
P Burschel, E Kürsten, BC Larson, M Weber
Terrestrial Biospheric Carbon Fluxes Quantification of Sinks and Sources of …, 1993
Forest stand dynamics. Biological resource management series
CD Oliver, BC Larson
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1990
Development and growth of even-aged stands of Douglas-fir and grand fir
BC Larson
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 16 (2), 367-372, 1986
Temporal patterns of radial growth in declining Austrocedrus chilensis forests in Northern Patagonia: the use of tree-rings as an indicator of forest decline
MM Amoroso, LD Daniels, BC Larson
Forest Ecology and Management 265, 62-70, 2012
Landscape determinants of soil carbon and nitrogen storage in southern New England
A Kulmatiski, DJ Vogt, TG Siccama, JP Tilley, K Kolesinskas, TW Wickwire, ...
Soil Science Society of America Journal 68 (6), 2014-2022, 2004
Is there a correct stand density index? An alternate interpretation
MJ Ducey, BC Larson
Western Journal of Applied Forestry 18 (3), 179-184, 2003
Outdoor recreation: United States national parks, forests, and public lands
CI Zinser
(No Title), 1995
Linking ecological and social scales for natural resource management
KA Vogt, M Grove, H Asjornsen, KB Maxwell, DJ Vogt, R Sigurdardottir, ...
In: Liu, Jianguo; Taylor, William W., eds. Integrating landscape ecology …, 2002
Pathways of development in mixed-species stands
BC Larson
The Ecology and Silviculture of Mixed-Species Forests: A Festschrift for …, 1992
Meta-networks of fungi, fauna and flora as agents of complex adaptive systems
S Simard, K Martin, A Vyse, B Larson
Managing forests as complex adaptive systems, 133-164, 2013
Optimising seedling management: Pouteria sapota, Diospyros digyna, and Cedrela odorata in a Mexican rainforest
M Ricker, C Siebe, S Sánchez, K Shimada, BC Larson, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 139 (1-3), 63-77, 2000
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