George Yannis
George Yannis
Email yang diverifikasi di central.ntua.gr - Beranda
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A review of the effect of traffic and weather characteristics on road safety
A Theofilatos, G Yannis
Accident Analysis & Prevention 72, 244-256, 2014
A critical assessment of pedestrian behaviour models
E Papadimitriou, G Yannis, J Golias
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 12 (3), 242-255, 2009
Explaining the road accident risk: Weather effects
R Bergel-Hayat, M Debbarh, C Antoniou, G Yannis
Accident Analysis & Prevention 60, 456-465, 2013
Education at a Glance 2012
Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development, ...
OECD Publishing, 2012
A descriptive analysis of the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on driving behavior and road safety
C Katrakazas, E Michelaraki, M Sekadakis, G Yannis
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 7, 100186, 2020
Pedestrian gap acceptance for mid-block street crossing
G Yannis, E Papadimitriou, A Theofilatos
Transportation planning and technology 36 (5), 450-462, 2013
State-of-the-art review on multi-criteria decision-making in the transport sector
G Yannis, A Kopsacheili, A Dragomanovits, V Petraki
Journal of traffic and transportation engineering (English edition) 7 (4 …, 2020
A review of spatial approaches in road safety
A Ziakopoulos, G Yannis
Accident Analysis & Prevention 135, 105323, 2020
Overview of critical risk factors in Power-Two-Wheeler safety
EI Vlahogianni, G Yannis, JC Golias
Accident Analysis & Prevention 49, 12-22, 2012
Dynamic data-driven local traffic state estimation and prediction
C Antoniou, HN Koutsopoulos, G Yannis
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 34, 89-107, 2013
Innovative motor insurance schemes: A review of current practices and emerging challenges
DI Tselentis, G Yannis, EI Vlahogianni
Accident Analysis & Prevention 98, 139-148, 2017
Effect of GDP changes on road traffic fatalities
G Yannis, E Papadimitriou, K Folla
Safety science 63, 42-49, 2014
Review of driving performance parameters critical for distracted driving research
P Papantoniou, E Papadimitriou, G Yannis
Transportation research procedia 25, 1796-1805, 2017
Introducing human factors in pedestrian crossing behaviour models
E Papadimitriou, S Lassarre, G Yannis
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 36, 69-82, 2016
Impact of texting on young drivers' behavior and safety on urban and rural roads through a simulation experiment
G Yannis, A Laiou, P Papantoniou, C Christoforou
Journal of safety research 49, 25. e1-31, 2014
Measuring accident risk exposure for pedestrians in different micro-environments
S Lassarre, E Papadimitriou, G Yannis, J Golias
Accident Analysis & Prevention 39 (6), 1226-1238, 2007
Factors affecting accident severity inside and outside urban areas in Greece
A Theofilatos, D Graham, G Yannis
Traffic injury prevention 13 (5), 458-467, 2012
Review and ranking of crash risk factors related to the road infrastructure
E Papadimitriou, A Filtness, A Theofilatos, A Ziakopoulos, C Quigley, ...
Accident Analysis & Prevention 125, 85-97, 2019
Innovative insurance schemes: pay as/how you drive
DI Tselentis, G Yannis, EI Vlahogianni
Transportation Research Procedia 14, 362-371, 2016
Multilevel modelling for the regional effect of enforcement on road accidents
G Yannis, E Papadimitriou, C Antoniou
Accident Analysis & Prevention 39 (4), 818-825, 2007
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