A. Latifi
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Dikutip oleh
Solution of an initial-boundary value problem for coupled nonlinear waves
J Leon, A Latifi
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 23 (8), 1385, 1990
Nonlinear resonant scattering and plasma instability: an integrable model
C Claude, A Latifi, J Leon
Journal of mathematical physics 32 (12), 3321-3330, 1991
The Bianchi IX (mixmaster) cosmological model is not integrable
A Latifi, M Musette, R Conte
Physics Letters A 194 (1-2), 83-92, 1994
On the interaction of Langmuir waves with acoustic waves in plasmas
A Latifi, J Leon
Physics Letters A 152 (3-4), 171-177, 1991
Labyrinth chaos: Revisiting the elegant, chaotic, and hyperchaotic walks
V Basios, CG Antonopoulos, A Latifi
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 30 (11), 2020
Linear and weakly nonlinear models of wind generated surface waves in finite depth
A Latifi, MA Manna, P Montalvo, M Ruivo
Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics 10 (6), 1829-1843, 2017
A generic model for pandemics in networks of communities and the role of vaccination
AL Chris G. Antonopoulos, M. H. Akrami, Vasileios Basios
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 32, 063127}, 2022
Green–Naghdi dynamics of surface wind waves in finite depth
MA Manna, A Latifi, RA Kraenkel
Fluid Dynamics Research 50 (2), 025514, 2018
Optical properties of GaN/AlN constant total effective radius multi-wells quantum rings
M Solaimani, A Latifi
Optical and Quantum Electronics 47 (7), 1901-1910, 2015
Asymptotic permanent profile of the ion acoustic wave driven by the Langmuir wave
DJ Kaup, A Latifi, J Leon
Physics Letters A 168 (2), 120-126, 1992
Korteweg–De Vries–Burger Equation with Jeffreys’ Wind–Wave Interaction: Blow-Up and Breaking of Soliton-like Solutions in Finite Time
MA Manna, A Latifi
Fluids 8 (8), 231, 2023
Serre-Green-Naghdi Dynamics under the Action of the Jeffreys’ Wind-Wave Interaction. Fluids 2022, 7, 266
M Manna, A Latifi
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Breaking of parallelograms in presence of torsion: An equivalent alternative approach to detect gravitational waves
S Nayeh, A Latifi, S Arbabi Bidgoli, M Ghominejad
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 13 (10), 1650119, 2016
Nonintegrability of the Bianchi IX model
A Latifi, M Musette, R Conte
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 87 (1-4), 70-72, 1995
Wind-wave interaction in finite depth: linear and nonlinear approaches, blow-up and soliton breaking in finite time, integrability perspectives
A Latifi, MA Manna, RA Kraenkel
Open Communications in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 2024
The Korteweg-De Vries Equation with Forcing Involving Products of Eigenfunctions
AL A.S. Fokas
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry 19 (1), 107-127, 2023
Labyrinth Chaos is not Hamiltonian but still has a Vector Potential
A Latifi, V Basios
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.12780, 2019
Exact Energy of the Two and Three-Body Interactions in the Trigonometric Three-Body Problem via Jack Polynomials
H Rahmati, A Latifi
Few-Body Systems 60 (3), 59, 2019
Integrable nonlinear coupled waves with an exact asymptotic singular solution in the context of laser–plasma interaction
A Latifi
Nonlinearity 29 (7), 1926, 2016
Study of all possible interactions in the quantum three-body problem with Calogero-Sutherland Hamiltonian
A Latifi, H Rahmati
Transactions in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 1 (2), 59-67, 2024
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