Sergey Varlamov
Sergey Varlamov
Senior research scientist, JAMSTEC
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Assimilation of high-resolution sea surface temperature data into an operational nowcast/forecast system around Japan using a multi-scale three-dimensional variational scheme
Y Miyazawa, SM Varlamov, T Miyama, X Guo, T Hihara, K Kiyomatsu, ...
Ocean Dynamics 67, 713-728, 2017
Inverse estimation of source parameters of oceanic radioactivity dispersion models associated with the Fukushima accident
Y Miyazawa, Y Masumoto, SM Varlamov, T Miyama, M Takigawa, ...
Biogeosciences 10 (4), 2349-2363, 2013
M2 baroclinic tide variability modulated by the ocean circulation south of Japan
SM Varlamov, X Guo, T Miyama, K Ichikawa, T Waseda, Y Miyazawa
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 120 (5), 3681-3710, 2015
A new technique for the retrieval of near‐surface vertical current shear from marine X‐band radar images
B Lund, HC Graber, H Tamura, CO Collins III, SM Varlamov
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 120 (12), 8466-8486, 2015
Cross flows in the Taiwan Strait in winter
LY Oey, YL Chang, YC Lin, MC Chang, S Varlamov, Y Miyazawa
Journal of Physical Oceanography 44 (3), 801-817, 2014
Winter marine atmospheric conditions over the Japan Sea
CE Dorman, RC Beardsley, NA Dashko, CA Friehe, D Kheilf, K Cho, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 109 (C12), 2004
Simulation of the oil spill processes in the Sea of Japan with regional ocean circulation model
SM Varlamov, JH Yoon, N Hirose, H Kawamura, K Shiohara
Journal of Marine Science and Technology 4, 94-107, 1999
Transport simulation of the radionuclide from the shelf to open ocean around Fukushima
Y Miyazawa, Y Masumoto, SM Varlamov, T Miyama
Continental Shelf Research 50, 16-29, 2012
Seasonal variation of semidiurnal internal tides in the East/Japan Sea
C Jeon, JH Park, SM Varlamov, JH Yoon, YH Kim, S Seo, YG Park, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119 (5), 2843-2859, 2014
Ocean circulation for the Indonesian seas driven by tides and atmospheric forcings: Comparison to observational data
AR Kartadikaria, Y Miyazawa, SM Varlamov, K Nadaoka
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 116 (C9), 2011
Open and coastal seas interactions south of Japan represented by an ensemble Kalman filter
Y Miyazawa, T Miyama, SM Varlamov, X Guo, T Waseda
Ocean Dynamics 62, 645-659, 2012
Assimilation of the seabird and ship drift data in the north-eastern sea of Japan into an operational ocean nowcast/forecast system
Y Miyazawa, X Guo, SM Varlamov, T Miyama, K Yoda, K Sato, T Kano, ...
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 17672, 2015
Современные изменения температуры в Восточной Сибири и на Дальнем Востоке России
СМ Варламов, ЕС Ким, ЕХ Хан
Метеорология и гидрология 1, 19-28, 1998
Summer atmospheric conditions over the Japan/East Sea
CE Dorman, RC Beardsley, R Limeburner, SM Varlamov, M Caruso, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 52 (11-13), 1393-1420, 2005
Data assimilation of the high-resolution sea surface temperature obtained from the Aqua-Terra satellites (MODIS-SST) using an ensemble Kalman filter
Y Miyazawa, H Murakami, T Miyama, SM Varlamov, X Guo, T Waseda, ...
Remote Sensing 5 (6), 3123-3139, 2013
Climate change in the Far East and Japan Sea area for the last 50 years
SM Varlamov
Proceedings of the CREAMS'97 International Symposium, 163-166, 1997
A nowcast/forecast system for Japan’s coasts using daily assimilation of remote sensing and in situ data
Y Miyazawa, SM Varlamov, T Miyama, Y Kurihara, H Murakami, M Kachi
Remote Sensing 13 (13), 2431, 2021
Japan Sea oil spill analysis and quick response system with adaptation of shallow water ocean circulation model
Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University 118, 9-22, 2000
Role of Kuroshio Current in fish resource variability off southwest Japan
Y Morioka, S Varlamov, Y Miyazawa
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 17942, 2019
Changes in the Kuroshio path, surface velocity and transport during the last 35,000 years
H Yang, X Guo, Y Miyazawa, SM Varlamov, A Abe‐Ouchi, WL Chan
Geophysical Research Letters 49 (4), e2021GL097250, 2022
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