Francesc Mas
Francesc Mas
Full Pofessor in Physical Chemistrty at University of Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain)
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Bistability from double phosphorylation in signal transduction: kinetic and structural requirements
F Ortega, JL Garcés, F Mas, BN Kholodenko, M Cascante
The FEBS journal 273 (17), 3915-3926, 2006
Pattern morphologies in zinc electrodeposition
PP Trigueros, J Claret, F Mas, F Sagués
Journal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry 312 …, 1991
Effect of crowding by Dextrans in enzymatic reactions
I Pastor, L Pitulice, C Balcells, E Vilaseca, S Madurga, A Isvoran, ...
Biophysical chemistry 185, 8-13, 2014
Effective affinity distribution for the binding of metal ions to a generic fulvic acid in natural waters
C Rey-Castro, S Mongin, C Huidobro, C David, J Salvador, JL Garcés, ...
Environmental science & technology 43 (19), 7184-7191, 2009
Effect of Crowding by Dextrans on the Hydrolysis of N-Succinyl-l-phenyl-Ala-p-nitroanilide Catalyzed by α-Chymotrypsin
I Pastor, E Vilaseca, S Madurga, JL Garcés, M Cascante, F Mas
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115 (5), 1115-1121, 2011
New insights into diffusion in 3D crowded media by Monte Carlo simulations: effect of size, mobility and spatial distribution of obstacles
E Vilaseca, A Isvoran, S Madurga, I Pastor, JL Garcés, F Mas
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (16), 7396-7407, 2011
Product dependence and bifunctionality compromise the ultrasensitivity of signal transduction cascades
F Ortega, L Acerenza, HV Westerhoff, F Mas, M Cascante
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (3), 1170-1175, 2002
Macromolecular Crowding Effect upon in Vitro Enzyme Kinetics: Mixed Activation–Diffusion Control of the Oxidation of NADH by Pyruvate Catalyzed by Lactate …
C Balcells, I Pastor, E Vilaseca, S Madurga, M Cascante, F Mas
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 (15), 4062-4068, 2014
Two representations in multifractal analysis
J Mach, F Mas, F Sagués
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 28 (19), 5607, 1995
Physical constraints in the synthesis of glycogen that influence its structural homogeneity: a two-dimensional approach
R Melendez, E Melendez-Hevia, F Mas, J Mach, M Cascante
Biophysical journal 75 (1), 106-114, 1998
Diffusion of α-chymotrypsin in solution-crowded media. A fluorescence recovery after photobleaching study
I Pastor, E Vilaseca, S Madurga, JL Garcés, M Cascante, F Mas
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114 (11), 4028-4034, 2010
Lability and mobility effects on mixtures of ligands under steady-state conditions
J Galceran, J Puy, J Salvador, J Cecilia, F Mas, JL Garces
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 5 (22), 5091-5100, 2003
A spectrophotometer-based diffusivity assay reveals that diffusion hindrance of small molecules in extracellular matrix gels used in 3D cultures is dominated by viscous effects
R Galgoczy, I Pastor, A Colom, A Giménez, F Mas, J Alcaraz
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 120, 200-207, 2014
Induced reactant adsorption in metal—polyelectrolyte systems: pulse polarographic study
J Puy, F Mas, JM Díaz-Cruz, M Esteban, E Cassasas
Analytica chimica acta 268 (2), 261-274, 1992
Effect of the surface charge discretization on electric double layers: A Monte Carlo simulation study
S Madurga, A Martín-Molina, E Vilaseca, F Mas, M Quesada-Pérez
The Journal of chemical physics 126 (23), 2007
Some effects of cell dimensions on zinc electrodeposits
PP Trigueros, J Claret, F Mas, F Sagués
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 328 (1-2), 165-178, 1992
Conditional Affinity Spectra of Pb2+−Humic Acid Complexation from Data Obtained with AGNES
J Puy, J Galceran, C Huidobro, E Companys, N Samper, JL Garcés, ...
Environmental science & technology 42 (24), 9289-9295, 2008
Reverse pulse polarography of labile metal+ macromolecule systems with induced reactant adsorption: theoretical analysis and determination of complexation and adsorption parameters
J Galceran, D Reñe, J Salvador, J Puy, M Esteban, F Mas
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 375 (1-2), 307-318, 1994
Voltammetric analysis of heterogeneity in metal ion binding by humics
F Berbel, JM Díaz-Cruz, C Ariño, M Esteban, F Mas, JL Garcés, J Puy
Environmental science & technology 35 (6), 1097-1102, 2001
Electrostatic and specific binding to macromolecular ligands: A general analytical expression for the Donnan volume
E Companys, JL Garcés, J Salvador, J Galceran, J Puy, F Mas
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 306 (1-3), 2-13, 2007
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