Evidence of a - to -Wave Pairing Symmetry Transition in the Electron-Doped Cuprate Superconductor A Biswas, P Fournier, MM Qazilbash, VN Smolyaninova, H Balci, ...
Physical review letters 88 (20), 207004, 2002
258 2002 Anisotropic metamaterials emulated by tapered waveguides: application to optical cloaking II Smolyaninov, VN Smolyaninova, AV Kildishev, VM Shalaev
Physical review letters 102 (21), 213901, 2009
238 2009 Electrical transport in the ferromagnetic state of manganites: Small-polaron metallic conduction at low temperatures G Zhao, V Smolyaninova, W Prellier, H Keller
Physical review letters 84 (26), 6086, 2000
194 2000 Roadmap on optical metamaterials AM Urbas, Z Jacob, L Dal Negro, N Engheta, AD Boardman, P Egan, ...
Journal of Optics 18 (9), 093005, 2016
193 2016 Temperature and field dependence of the phase separation, structure, and magnetic ordering in La 1− x Ca x MnO 3 (x= 0.47, 0.50, and 0.53) Q Huang, JW Lynn, RW Erwin, A Santoro, DC Dender, VN Smolyaninova, ...
Physical Review B 61 (13), 8895, 2000
160 2000 Properties of the ferrimagnetic double perovskites A2FeReO6 (A= Ba and Ca) W Prellier, V Smolyaninova, A Biswas, C Galley, RL Greene, K Ramesha, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 12 (6), 965, 2000
140 2000 Low-temperature specific heat of La 0.67 Ba 0.33 Mn O 3 and La 0.8 Ca 0.2 Mn O 3 JJ Hamilton, EL Keatley, HL Ju, AK Raychaudhuri, VN Smolyaninova, ...
Physical Review B 54 (21), 14926, 1996
131 1996 Pulsed-laser-deposited epitaxial thin films: Positive and negative magnetoresistance regimes H Asano, SB Ogale, J Garrison, A Orozco, YH Li, E Li, V Smolyaninova, ...
Applied physics letters 74 (24), 3696-3698, 1999
124 1999 Improved properties of thin films by addition of silver R Shreekala, M Rajeswari, SP Pai, SE Lofland, V Smolyaninova, K Ghosh, ...
Applied physics letters 74 (19), 2857-2859, 1999
118 1999 Roadmap on transformation optics M McCall, JB Pendry, V Galdi, Y Lai, SAR Horsley, J Li, J Zhu, ...
Journal of Optics 20 (6), 063001, 2018
92 2018 First-order nature of the ferromagnetic phase transition in (La‐Ca) Mn O 3 near optimal doping CP Adams, JW Lynn, VN Smolyaninova, A Biswas, RL Greene, W Ratcliff, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (13), 134414, 2004
86 * 2004 Self-assembled tunable photonic hyper-crystals VN Smolyaninova, B Yost, D Lahneman, EE Narimanov, II Smolyaninov
Scientific reports 4 (1), 5706, 2014
80 2014 Anomalous field-dependent specific heat in charge-ordered and VN Smolyaninova, A Biswas, X Zhang, KH Kim, BG Kim, SW Cheong, ...
Physical Review B 62 (10), R6093, 2000
78 2000 Experimental observation of the trapped rainbow VN Smolyaninova, II Smolyaninov, AV Kildishev, VM Shalaev
Applied Physics Letters 96 (21), 2010
76 2010 Gapped tunneling spectra in the normal state of Pr 2− x Ce x CuO 4 A Biswas, P Fournier, VN Smolyaninova, RC Budhani, JS Higgins, ...
Physical Review B 64 (10), 104519, 2001
71 2001 Maxwell fish-eye and Eaton lenses emulated by microdroplets VN Smolyaninova, II Smolyaninov, AV Kildishev, VM Shalaev
Optics letters 35 (20), 3396-3398, 2010
64 2010 Indications of phase separation in polycrystalline La 1− x Sr x MnO 3 for x≈ 0.5 SI Patil, SM Bhagat, QQ Shu, SE Lofland, SB Ogale, VN Smolyaninova, ...
Physical Review B 62 (14), 9548, 2000
62 2000 Oscillatory exchange coupling and giant positive magnetoresistance in TiN/Fe 3 O 4 superlattices A Orozco, SB Ogale, YH Li, P Fournier, E Li, H Asano, V Smolyaninova, ...
Physical review letters 83 (8), 1680, 1999
54 1999 Roadmap on label‐free super‐resolution imaging VN Astratov, YB Sahel, YC Eldar, L Huang, A Ozcan, N Zheludev, J Zhao, ...
Laser & photonics reviews 17 (12), 2200029, 2023
51 2023 Metamaterial superconductors II Smolyaninov, VN Smolyaninova
Physical Review B 91 (9), 094501, 2015
47 2015