Jose E. Roman
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Dikutip oleh
SLEPc: A scalable and flexible toolkit for the solution of eigenvalue problems
V Hernandez, JE Roman, V Vidal
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 31 (3), 351-362, 2005
PETSc/TAO users manual
S Balay, S Abhyankar, MF Adams, S Benson, J Brown, P Brune, ...
Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois, 2022
SLEPc users manual
JE Roman, C Campos, E Romero, A Tomás
D. Sistemes Informàtics i Computació, Universitat Politècnica de València …, 2016
A survey of software for sparse eigenvalue problems
V Hernandez, JE Roman, A Tomas, V Vidal
Universitat Politecnica De Valencia, SLEPs technical report STR-6, 2009
PETSc: portable, extensible toolkit for scientific computation
S Balay, S Abhyankar, MF Adams, S Benson, J Brown, P Brune, ...
Astrophysics Source Code Library, ascl: 2210.016, 2022
SLEPc: Scalable library for eigenvalue problem computations
V Hernández, JE Román, V Vidal
International Conference on High Performance Computing for Computational …, 2002
Krylov-schur methods in SLEPc
V Hernández, JE Román, A Tomás, V Vidal
Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Tech. Rep. STR-7, 2007
Parallel Arnoldi eigensolvers with enhanced scalability via global communications rearrangement
V Hernández, JE Román, A Tomás
Parallel Computing 33 (7-8), 521-540, 2007
Parallel computation of 3-D soil-structure interaction in time domain with a coupled FEM/SBFEM approach
M Schauer, JE Roman, ES Quintana-Ortí, S Langer
Journal of Scientific Computing 52, 446-467, 2012
PETSc web page, 2022
S Balay, S Abhyankar, MF Adams, S Benson, J Brown, P Brune, ...
URL https://petsc. org, 2023
ELSI—An open infrastructure for electronic structure solvers
VW Yu, C Campos, W Dawson, A García, V Havu, B Hourahine, WP Huhn, ...
Computer Physics Communications 256, 107459, 2020
Stellarator microinstabilities and turbulence at low magnetic shear
BJ Faber, MJ Pueschel, PW Terry, CC Hegna, JE Roman
Journal of Plasma Physics 84 (5), 905840503, 2018
Design and implementation of Java bindings in Open MPI
O Vega-Gisbert, JE Roman, JM Squyres
Parallel Computing 59, 1-20, 2016
A robust and efficient parallel SVD solver based on restarted Lanczos bidiagonalization
V Hernandez, JE Roman, A Tomas
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 31, 68-85, 2008
Non-linear eigenvalue problems with GetDP and SLEPc: Eigenmode computations of frequency-dispersive photonic open structures
G Demésy, A Nicolet, B Gralak, C Geuzaine, C Campos, JE Roman
Computer Physics Communications 257, 107509, 2020
Memory‐efficient Arnoldi algorithms for linearizations of matrix polynomials in Chebyshev basis
D Kressner, JE Roman
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 21 (4), 569-588, 2014
Strategies for spectrum slicing based on restarted Lanczos methods
C Campos, JE Roman
Numerical Algorithms 60 (2), 279-295, 2012
Parallel Krylov solvers for the polynomial eigenvalue problem in SLEPc
C Campos, JE Roman
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 38 (5), S385-S411, 2016
Large scale simulation of wave propagation in soils interacting with structures using FEM and SBFEM
M Schauer, S Langer, JE Roman, ES Quintana-Orti
Journal of Computational Acoustics 19 (01), 75-93, 2011
Fast eigenvalue calculations in a massively parallel plasma turbulence code
JE Roman, M Kammerer, F Merz, F Jenko
Parallel Computing 36 (5-6), 339-358, 2010
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