Raimi Morufu Olalekan BSc, M.Sc., M.Phil., P.hD, MNES, REHO, LEHO
Raimi Morufu Olalekan BSc, M.Sc., M.Phil., P.hD, MNES, REHO, LEHO
Department of Environmental Management and Toxicology, Faculty of Science, Federal University Otuoke
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The roles of all tiers of government and development partners in environmental conservation of natural resource: a case study in Nigeria
RM Olalekan, AO Omidiji, EA Williams, MB Christianah, O Modupe
MOJ Ecology & Environmental Sciences 4 (3), 114-121, 2019
Creating the healthiest nation: Climate change and environmental health impacts in Nigeria: A narrative review
MO Raimi, OT Vivien, OA Oluwatoyin
Morufu Olalekan Raimi, Tonye Vivien Odubo & Adedoyin Oluwatoyin Omidiji …, 2021
Health risk assessment on heavy metals ingestion through groundwater drinking pathway for residents in an oil and gas producing area of Rivers State, Nigeria
MO Raimi, D Nimisngha, OE Odipe, AS Olalekan
Open Journal of Yangtze Oil and Gas 3, 191-206, 2018
Digging deeper” evidence on water crisis and its solution in Nigeria for Bayelsa state: a study of current scenario
RM Olalekan, OO Adedoyin, A Ayibatonbira, B Anu, OO Emmanuel, ...
International Journal of Hydrology 3 (4), 244-257, 2019
Women role in environmental conservation and development in Nigeria
RM Olalekan, SR Monsurat, OO Emmanuel, SJ Tolulope, O Modupe, ...
Ecology & Coservation Science, 42-56, 2019
A deep dive into the review of national environmental standards and regulations enforcement agency (NESREA) act
RM Suleiman, MO Raimi, OH Sawyerr
Suleiman Romoke Monsurat, Raimi Morufu Olalekan and Sawyerr Henry Olawale …, 2019
Women contributions to sustainable environments in Nigeria
MO Raimi, OO Bilewu, Z Adio, A Halimat
Raimi Morufu Olalekan, Bilewu Olaolu Oyinlola, Adio Zulkarnaini Olalekan …, 2019
Nigerians crying for availability of electricity and water: a key driver to life coping measures for deepening stay at home inclusion to slow covid-19 spread
RA Gift, RM Olalekan, OE Owobi, RM Oluwakemi, B Anu, AA Funmilayo
Open Access Journal of Science 4 (3), 69-80, 2020
Policy responses to addressing the issues of environmental health impacts of charcoal factory in Nigeria: necessity today; essentiality tomorrow
AF Ajibola, MO Raimi, OC Steve-Awogbami, AO Adeniji, AP Adekunle
Communication, Society and Media, ISSN, 2576-5388, 2020
Exploring how human activities disturb the balance of biogeochemical cycles: Evidence from the carbon, nitrogen and hydrologic cycles
MO Raimi, I Abiola, O Alima, DE Omini
Nitrogen and Hydrologic Cycles (July 30, 2021), 2021
The sources of water supply, sanitation facilities and hygiene practices in oil producing communities in central senatorial district of Bayelsa state, Nigeria
MO Raimi, OT Vivien, OE Odipe, OE Owobi
MOJ Public Health 7 (6), 337-345, 2018
The sources of water supply, sanitation facilities and hygiene practices in an island community: Amassoma, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
MO Raimi, AA Funmilayo, I Major, OE Odipe, IH Muhammadu, ...
Sanitation Facilities and Hygiene Practices in an Island Community: Amassoma …, 2019
Leaving no one behind? Drinking water challenge on the rise in Niger Delta region of Nigeria: A Review
MO Raimi, OE Odipe, B Anu, DE Omini, EH Akpojubaro, OE Owobi
Drinking Water Challenge on the Rise in Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: A …, 2020
An Assessment of Trace Elements in Surface and Ground Water Quality in the Ebocha-Obrikom Oil and Gas Producing Area of Rivers State, Nigeria.
MO Raimi, SC Ezugwu
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 8 (7), 2017
Assessment of environmental sanitation, food safety knowledge, handling practice among food handlers of Bukateria complexes in Iju Town, Akure North of Ondo-State, Nigeria
OE Odipe, MO Raimi, D Nimisngha, AA Funmilayo, OP innocent Edewor, ...
Acta Scientific Nutritional Health 3 (6), 2019
A review of environmental, social and health impact assessment (Eshia) practice in Nigeria: a panacea for sustainable development and decision making
OO Adedoyin, MO Raimi, SH Olawale, OO Emmanuel
Water-Related Problems And Health Conditions In The Oil Producing Communities In Central Senatorial District Of Bayelsa State.
MO Raimi, TK Pigha, OE Owobi
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-3, Issue-6, 2017
Impact of sawmill industry on ambient air quality: A case study of Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State, Nigeria
MO Raimi, Z Adio, OO Emmanuel, TK Samson, BS Ajayi, TJ Ogunleye
Raimi Morufu Olalekan, Adio Zulkarnaini Olalekan, Odipe Oluwaseun Emmanuel …, 2020
Governing the environmental impact of dredging: Consequences for marine biodiversity in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria
E Okoyen, MO Raimi, OA Oluwatoyin, EA Williams
Okoyen E, Raimi MO, Omidiji AO, Ebuete A W. Governing the Environmental …, 2020
Health impact assessment: a tool to advance the knowledge of policy makers understand sustainable development goals: a review
RM Olalekan, O Oluwatoyin, A Olalekan
ES Journal of Public Health 1 (1), 1002, 2020
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