Dikutip oleh
Dikutip oleh
Experimental evaluation of control performance of mpc as a regulatory controller
M Khan, M Tahiyat, S Imtiaz, MAAS Choudhury, F Khan
ISA transactions 70, 512-520, 2017
Striations in moderate pressure dc driven nitrogen glow discharge
MM Tahiyat, JC Stephens, VI Kolobov, TI Farouk
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 55 (8), 085201, 2021
2D-imaging of absolute OH and H2O2 profiles in a He–H2O nanosecond pulsed dielectric barrier discharge by photo-fragmentation laser-induced fluorescence
D van den Bekerom, MM Tahiyat, E Huang, JH Frank, TI Farouk
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 32 (1), 015006, 2023
Surface functionalization of automated fiber placement manufactured composites by atmospheric pressure plasma jet
I Sarikaya, M Tahiyat, R Harik, T Farouk, J Connell
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 99, 102570, 2020
Note: Plasma optical emission spectroscopy for water vapor quantification and detection during vacuum drying process
MM Tahiyat, TW Knight, T Farouk
Review of Scientific Instruments 89 (11), 2018
Enhancement of piezoelectric properties of nanofibers and nanocomposite membranes through corona treatment
M Khan, P Sultana, M Saadatzi, M Tahiyat, T Farouk, S Banerjee
APS Annual Gaseous Electronics Meeting Abstracts, LW2. 006, 2019
Water Vapor Quantification Methodology During Drying of Spent Nuclear Fuel
T Farouk, M Tahiyat, TW Knight
US Patent App. 16/550,419, 2020
Computational and experimental studies of plasma stratification in noble gases and nitrogen
V Kolobov, M Tahiyat, T Farouk, G Xu
APS Annual Gaseous Electronics Meeting Abstracts, RW2. 002, 2020
Atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge for siloxane reformation
S Hoque, MM Tahiyat, NZ Abbas, S Saha, ND Berge, JV Flora, TI Farouk
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 53 (1), 015202, 2019
Misty plasma dielectric barrier discharge plasma system for disinfection
MM Tahiyat, TI Farouk, S Hoque, T Testerman
US Patent App. 18/302,329, 2023
Dielectric barrier discharge plasma system and method for in-situ hydrogen peroxide production
MM Tahiyat, TI Farouk
US Patent App. 18/302,078, 2023
Striations in Atmospheric Pressure AC Driven Helium Glow Discharge
M Tahiyat, SH Won, T Farouk
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 67, 2022
Imaging of Hydrogen Peroxide and Methyl in Nanosecond Pulsed Plasmas by Photofragmentation Laser-Induced Fluorescence.
J Frank, D van den Bekerom, C Richards, M Tahiyat, E Huang, ...
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States), 2022
Imaging measurements of absolute OH and H2O2 concentrations in a He-H2O ns-pulsed atmospheric pressure plasma jet by photo-fragmentation laser-induced fluorescence.
M Tahiyat, E Huang, T Farouk, J Frank
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States), 2022
Imaging Measurements of Absolute OH and H2O2 Concentrations in a HE-H2O NS-Pulsed Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet by Photo-Fragmentation Laser …
D van Den Bekerom, M Tahiyat, E Huang, T Farouk, J Frank
2022 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS), 1-2, 2022
Striations in Atmospheric Pressure AC Driven Helium Glow Discharge
A Al Wahaibi, M Tahiyat, SH Won, T Farouk
APS Annual Gaseous Electronics Meeting Abstracts, GT3. 007, 2022
Imaging of Hydrogen Peroxide and Methyl in Nanosecond Pulsed Plasmas by Photofragmentation Laser-Induced Fluorescence
D van den Bekerom, C Richards, M Tahiyat, E Huang, I Adamovich, ...
APS Annual Gaseous Electronics Meeting Abstracts, DR5. 007, 2022
Characterization of Nonequilibrium Plasma Discharge in High Water Vapor Concentration
MM Tahiyat
University of South Carolina, 2022
Characterization of an atmospheric pressure misty plasma discharge
M Tahiyat, S Won, T Farouk
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 66, 2021
Siloxane removal off landfill gas using dielectric barrier discharge plasma
S Hoque, T Farouk, MM Tahiyat
US Patent App. 17/032,123, 2021
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