Graph theory: Modeling, applications, and algorithms G Agnarsson, R Greenlaw Prentice-Hall, Inc., 2006 | 311 | 2006 |
Coloring powers of planar graphs G Agnarsson, MM Halldórsson SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 16 (4), 651-662, 2003 | 205 | 2003 |
On powers of chordal graphs and their colorings G Agnarsson, R Greenlaw, MM Halldórsson Congressus Numerantium, 41-66, 2000 | 75 | 2000 |
Strong colorings of hypergraphs G Agnarsson, MM Halldórsson Approximation and Online Algorithms: Second International Workshop, WAOA …, 2005 | 39 | 2005 |
On colorings of squares of outerplanar graphs G Agnarsson, MM Halldorsson arXiv preprint arXiv:0706.1526, 2007 | 30 | 2007 |
Powers of geometric intersection graphs and dispersion algorithms G Agnarsson, P Damaschke, MM Halldórsson Discrete Applied Mathematics 132 (1-3), 3-16, 2003 | 29 | 2003 |
The maximum number of edges in a graph of bounded dimension, with applications to ring theory G Agnarsson, S Felsner, WT Trotter Discrete mathematics 201 (1-3), 5-19, 1999 | 23 | 1999 |
Recognition of matrix rings II G Agnarsson, SA Amitsur, JC Robson Israel Journal of Mathematics 96, 1-13, 1996 | 21 | 1996 |
On the Sylvester denumerants for general restricted partitions G Agnarsson Congressus numerantium, 49-60, 2002 | 19 | 2002 |
On Minkowski sums of simplices G Agnarsson, WD Morris Annals of Combinatorics 13 (3), 271-287, 2009 | 14 | 2009 |
The number of outside corners of monomial ideals G Agnarsson Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 117, 3-21, 1997 | 14 | 1997 |
On cyber attacks and the maximum-weight rooted-subtree problem G Agnarsson, R Greenlaw, S Kantabutra Acta Cybernetica 22 (3), 591-612, 2016 | 11 | 2016 |
SDP-based algorithms for maximum independent set problems on hypergraphs G Agnarsson, MM Halldórsson, E Losievskaja Theoretical Computer Science 470, 1-9, 2013 | 10 | 2013 |
On chordal graphs and their chromatic polynomials G Agnarsson Mathematica Scandinavica, 240-246, 2003 | 10 | 2003 |
Extremal graphs of order dimension 4 G Agnarsson Mathematica scandinavica, 5-12, 2002 | 9 | 2002 |
The structure of rooted weighted trees modeling layered cyber-security systems G Agnarsson, R Greenlaw, S Kantabutra Acta Cybernetica 22 (4), 25-59, 2016 | 8 | 2016 |
On vertex coloring simple genetic digraphs G Agnarsson, AS Egilsson Congressus Numerantium, 117-128, 2003 | 8 | 2003 |
The flag polynomial of the Minkowski sum of simplices G Agnarsson Annals of Combinatorics 17 (3), 401-426, 2013 | 7 | 2013 |
On the extension of vertex maps to graph homomorphisms G Agnarsson, L Chen Discrete mathematics 306 (17), 2021-2030, 2006 | 7 | 2006 |
Powers of chordal graphs and their coloring, to appear in Congr G Agnarsson, R Greenlaw, MM Halldórsson Numer, 0 | 6 | |