Mark Bowick
Mark Bowick
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
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Topology and dynamics of active nematic vesicles
FC Keber, E Loiseau, T Sanchez, SJ DeCamp, L Giomi, MJ Bowick, ...
Science 345 (6201), 1135-1139, 2014
Grain boundary scars and spherical crystallography
AR Bausch, MJ Bowick, A Cacciuto, AD Dinsmore, MF Hsu, DR Nelson, ...
Science 299 (5613), 1716-1718, 2003
Spontaneous chiral-symmetry breaking in three-dimensional QED
TW Appelquist, M Bowick, D Karabali, LCR Wijewardhana
Physical Review D 33 (12), 3704, 1986
The cosmological Kibble mechanism in the laboratory: String formation in liquid crystals
MJ Bowick, L Chandar, EA Schiff, AM Srivastava
Science 263 (5149), 943-944, 1994
Defect annihilation and proliferation in active nematics
L Giomi, MJ Bowick, X Ma, MC Marchetti
Physical Review Letters 110 (22), 228101, 2013
Two-dimensional matter: order, curvature and defects
MJ Bowick, L Giomi
Advances in Physics 58 (5), 449-563, 2009
Topological active matter
S Shankar, A Souslov, MJ Bowick, MC Marchetti, V Vitelli
Nature Reviews Physics 4 (6), 380-398, 2022
The possibility of new fermions with ΔI= 0 mass
F Del Aguila, MJ Bowick
Nuclear Physics B 224 (1), 107-136, 1983
Defect dynamics in active nematics
L Giomi, MJ Bowick, P Mishra, R Sknepnek, M Cristina Marchetti
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2014
Interacting topological defects on frozen topographies
MJ Bowick, DR Nelson, A Travesset
Physical Review B 62 (13), 8738, 2000
Superstrings at high temperature
MJ Bowick, LCR Wijewardhana
Physical Review Letters 54 (23), 2485, 1985
Topological mass generation in 3+ 1 dimensions
TJ Allen, MJ Bowick, A Lahiri
Modern Physics Letters A 6 (07), 559-571, 1991
String theory as the Kähler geometry of loop space
MJ Bowick, SG Rajeev
Physical Review Letters 58 (6), 535, 1987
Crystalline order on a sphere and the generalized Thomson problem
M Bowick, A Cacciuto, DR Nelson, A Travesset
Physical Review Letters 89 (18), 185502, 2002
Axionic black holes and an Aharonov-Bohm effect for strings
MJ Bowick, SB Giddings, JA Harvey, GT Horowitz, A Strominger
Physical Review Letters 61 (25), 2823, 1988
Symmetry, thermodynamics, and topology in active matter
MJ Bowick, N Fakhri, MC Marchetti, S Ramaswamy
Physical Review X 12 (1), 010501, 2022
The holomorphic geometry of closed bosonic string theory and Diff S1/S1
MJ Bowick, SG Rajeev
Nuclear Physics B 293, 348-384, 1987
The statistical mechanics of membranes
MJ Bowick, A Travesset
Physics Reports 344 (4-6), 255-308, 2001
Direct visualization of dislocation dynamics in grain boundary scars
P Lipowsky, MJ Bowick, JH Meinke, DR Nelson, AR Bausch
Nature Materials 4, 407-411, 2005
Fractional spin via canonical quantization of the O (3) nonlinear sigma model
MJ Bowick, D Karabali, LCR Wijewardhana
Nuclear Physics B 271 (2), 417-428, 1986
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