Working, declarative and procedural memory in specific language impairment JAG Lum, G Conti-Ramsden, D Page, MT Ullman cortex 48 (9), 1138-1154, 2012 | 522 | 2012 |
Procedural learning deficits in specific language impairment (SLI): A meta-analysis of serial reaction time task performance JAG Lum, G Conti-Ramsden, AT Morgan, MT Ullman Cortex 51, 1-10, 2014 | 257 | 2014 |
Procedural learning is impaired in dyslexia: Evidence from a meta-analysis of serial reaction time studies JAG Lum, MT Ullman, G Conti-Ramsden Research in developmental disabilities 34 (10), 3460-3476, 2013 | 254 | 2013 |
Internal representation of movement in children with developmental coordination disorder: a mental rotation task PH Wilson, P Maruff, M Butson, J Williams, J Lum, PR Thomas Developmental medicine and child neurology 46 (11), 754-759, 2004 | 204 | 2004 |
Procedural and declarative memory in children with and without specific language impairment JAG Lum, C Gelgic, G Conti-Ramsden International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 45 (1), 96-107, 2010 | 198 | 2010 |
Sex differences in the prevalence of oppositional defiant disorder during middle childhood: a meta-analysis DH Demmer, M Hooley, J Sheen, JA McGillivray, JAG Lum Journal of abnormal child psychology 45, 313-325, 2017 | 184 | 2017 |
Statistical learning in specific language impairment and autism spectrum disorder: A meta-analysis R Obeid, PJ Brooks, KL Powers, K Gillespie-Lynch, JAG Lum Frontiers in psychology 7, 1245, 2016 | 168 | 2016 |
Child first language and adult second language are both tied to general-purpose learning systems P Hamrick, JAG Lum, MT Ullman Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (7), 1487-1492, 2018 | 158 | 2018 |
Meta-analysis reveals a bilingual advantage that is dependent on task and age AT Ware, M Kirkovski, JAG Lum Frontiers in psychology 11, 1458, 2020 | 155 | 2020 |
Sequence learning in the human brain: A functional neuroanatomical meta-analysis of serial reaction time studies K Janacsek, KF Shattuck, KM Tagarelli, JAG Lum, PE Turkeltaub, ... NeuroImage 207, 116387, 2020 | 154 | 2020 |
Procedural learning in children with developmental coordination disorder PH Wilson, P Maruff, J Lum Human Movement Science 22 (4-5), 515-526, 2003 | 152 | 2003 |
Cognitive impairment during pregnancy: a meta‐analysis SJ Davies, JAG Lum, H Skouteris, LK Byrne, MJ Hayden Medical Journal of Australia 208 (1), 35-40, 2018 | 145 | 2018 |
Cognitive bias modification training during inpatient alcohol detoxification reduces early relapse: a randomized controlled trial V Manning, PK Staiger, K Hall, JBB Garfield, G Flaks, D Leung, ... Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 40 (9), 2011-2019, 2016 | 142 | 2016 |
Preschool children's transition to formal schooling: The importance of collaboration between teachers, parents and children H Skouteris, B Watson, J Lum Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 37 (4), 78-85, 2012 | 140 | 2012 |
Periodic and aperiodic neural activity displays age-dependent changes across early-to-middle childhood AT Hill, GM Clark, FJ Bigelow, JAG Lum, PG Enticott Developmental cognitive neuroscience 54, 101076, 2022 | 129 | 2022 |
Onset of word form recognition in English, Welsh, and English–Welsh bilingual infants MM Vihman, G Thierry, J Lum, T Keren-Portnoy, P Martin Applied Psycholinguistics 28 (3), 475-493, 2007 | 123 | 2007 |
Ocular motor disturbances in autism spectrum disorders: Systematic review and comprehensive meta-analysis BP Johnson, JAG Lum, NJ Rinehart, J Fielding Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 69, 260-279, 2016 | 119 | 2016 |
Maternal multiple micronutrient supplementation and other biomedical and socioenvironmental influences on children's cognition at age 9–12 years in Indonesia: follow-up of the … EL Prado, SK Sebayang, M Apriatni, SR Adawiyah, N Hidayati, ... The Lancet Global Health 5 (2), e217-e228, 2017 | 117 | 2017 |
Different current intensities of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation do not differentially modulate motor cortex plasticity DJ Kidgell, RM Daly, K Young, J Lum, G Tooley, S Jaberzadeh, M Zoghi, ... Neural plasticity 2013 (1), 603502, 2013 | 115 | 2013 |
A meta-analysis of cross sectional studies investigating language in maltreated children JAG Lum, M Powell, L Timms, P Snow Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 58 (3), 961-976, 2015 | 113 | 2015 |