Montserrat Torne
Montserrat Torne
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Lithospheric structure beneath the Alboran Basin: Results from 3D gravity modeling and tectonic relevance
M Torné, M Fernandez, MC Comas, JI Soto
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 105 (B2), 3209-3228, 2000
Modeling the evolution of the Guadalquivir foreland basin (southern Spain)
D Garcia‐Castellanos, M Fernandez, M Torné
Tectonics 21 (3), 9-1-9-17, 2002
Subduction‐related structures in the North Iberian margin
J Alvarez‐Marron, E Rubio, M Torné
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102 (B10), 22497-22511, 1997
Three‐dimensional gravity and magnetic modeling of crustal indentation and wedging in the western Pyrenees‐Cantabrian Mountains
D Pedreira, JA Pulgar, J Gallart, M Torné
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 112 (B12), 2007
Tertiary sedimentary history and structure of the Valencia trough (western Mediterranean)
A Maillard, A Mauffret, AB Watts, M Torné, G Pascal, P Buhl, B Pinet
Tectonophysics 203 (1-4), 57-75, 1992
The transition from linear to diffuse plate boundary in the Azores–Gibraltar region: results from a thin-sheet model
I Jiménez-Munt, M Fernàndez, M Torne, P Bird
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 192 (2), 175-189, 2001
A new southern North Atlantic isochron map: Insights into the drift of the Iberian plate since the Late Cretaceous
C Macchiavelli, J Vergés, A Schettino, M Fernàndez, E Turco, E Casciello, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122 (12), 9603-9626, 2017
Crustal thinning from the Betic Cordillera to the Alboran Sea
M Torné, E Banda
Geo-Marine Letters 12, 76-81, 1992
Crustal and velocity structure of the Valencia trough (western Mediterranean), Part I. A combined refraction/wide-angle reflection and near-vertical reflection study
M Torné, G Pascal, P Buhl, AB Watts, A Mauffret
Tectonophysics 203 (1-4), 1-20, 1992
New insights into the crust and lithospheric mantle structure of Africa from elevation, geoid, and thermal analysis
J Globig, M Fernàndez, M Torne, J Vergés, A Robert, C Faccenna
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (7), 5389-5424, 2016
Geodynamic evolution of the eastern segment of the Azores-Gibraltar zone: the Gorringe Bank and the Gulf of Cadiz region
D Tortella, M Torné, A Pérez-Estaún
Marine Geophysical Researches 19, 211-230, 1997
Pliocene uplift of the eastern Iberian margin: Inferences from quantitative modelling of the Valencia Trough
ME Janssen, M Torné, S Cloetingh, E Banda
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 119 (4), 585-597, 1993
Subsidence history, crustal structure, and thermal evolution of the Valencia Trough: A young extensional basin in the western Mediterranean
AB Watts, M Torné
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 97 (B13), 20021-20041, 1992
Iberian Atlantic Margins Group investigates deep structure of ocean margins
E Banda, M Torne, Iberian Atlantic Margins Group
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 76 (3), 25-29, 1995
A deep seismic reflection survey across the Betic Chain (southern Spain): first results
V García-Dueñas, E Banda, M Torné, D Córdoba, ...
Tectonophysics 232 (1-4), 77-89, 1994
Gravity constraints on the deep structure of the Pyrenean belt along the ECORS profile
M Torné, B De Cabissole, R Bayer, A Casas, M Daignières, A Rivero
Tectonophysics 165 (1-4), 105-116, 1989
Gravity and multichannel seismic reflection constraints on the lithospheric structure of the Canary Swell
CR Ranero, M Torné, E Banda
Marine Geophysical Researches 17, 519-534, 1995
Geophysical and geological constraints on the evolution of the Guadalquivir foreland basin, Spain
M Fernàndez, X Berástegui, C Puig, D García-Castellanos, MJ Jurado, ...
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 134 (1), 29-48, 1998
Numerical modeling of foreland basin formation: a program relating thrusting, flexure, sediment geometry and lithosphere rheology
D García-Castellanos, M Fernàndez, M Torné
Computers & Geosciences 23 (9), 993-1003, 1997
Lithospheric transition from the Variscan Iberian Massif to the Jurassic oceanic crust of the Central Atlantic
M Fernandez, I Marzán, M Torné
Tectonophysics 386 (1-2), 97-115, 2004
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