Ahmed Tamer AlMotasem AlAsqalani
Ahmed Tamer AlMotasem AlAsqalani
Research Fellow-School of Mechanical Engineering
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Atomistic Insights on the Wear/Friction Behavior of Nanocrystalline Ferrite During Nanoscratching as Revealed by Molecular Dynamics
AT AlMotasem, J Bergström, A Gåård, P Krakhmalev, J Holleboom L.
Tribology Letters 65 (101), 13, 2017
Composition and thermal-induced effects on the optical constants of Ge20Se80− xBix thin films
MM Hafiz, AA Othman, MM El-Nahass, AT Al-Motasem
Physica B: Condensed Matter 390 (1-2), 348-355, 2007
Influence of HCP/BCC interface orientation on the tribological behavior of Zr/Nb multilayer during nanoscratch: A combined experimental and atomistic study
AT AlMotasem, N Daghbouj, HS Sen, S Mirzaei, M Callisti, T Polcar
Acta Materialia 249, 118832, 2023
Factors controlling segregation tendency of solute Ti, Ag and Ta into different symmetrical tilt grain boundaries of tungsten: First-principles and experimental study
AT AlMotasem, T Huminiuc, T Polcar
Acta Materialia 211, 116868, 2021
Nanoclusters in bcc-Fe containing vacancies, copper and nickel: Structure and energetics
AT Al-Motasem, M Posselt, F Bergner
Journal of nuclear materials 418 (1-3), 215-222, 2011
Nanoindentation and nanoscratching of a ferrite/austenite iron bi-crystal: An atomistic study
T AlMotasem, A, M Posselt, J Bergström
Tribology International 127, 231-239, 2018
Interaction of an edge dislocation with Cu–Ni-vacancy clusters in bcc iron
D Terentyev, L Malerba, G Bonny, AT Al-Motasem, M Posselt
Journal of nuclear materials 419 (1-3), 134-139, 2011
Composition and electric field effects on the transport properties of Bi doped chalcogenide glasses thin films
MM Hafiz, AA Othman, MM Elnahass, AT Al-Motasem
Physica B: Condensed Matter 390 (1-2), 286-292, 2007
Structure, energetics and thermodynamics of copper–vacancy clusters in bcc-Fe: An atomistic study
AT Al-Motasem, M Posselt, F Bergner, U Birkenheuer
Journal of nuclear materials 414 (2), 161-168, 2011
Tool microstructure impact on the wear behavior of ferrite iron during nanoscratching: An atomic level simulation
T AlMotasem, Ahmed, J Bergstrom, A Gaard, P Krakhmalev, ...
Wear 370, 39-45, 2017
Thermal behavior of iron in 6H-SiC: influence of He-induced defects
BS Li, HS Sen, N Daghbouj, AT AlMotasem, J Lorinčík, M Karlik, FF Ge, ...
Scripta Materialia 218, 114805, 2022
Atomistic study on mixed-mode fracture mechanisms of ferrite iron interacting with coherent copper and nickel nanoclusters
AT Al-Motasem, NT Mai, ST Choi, M Posselt
Journal of Nuclear Materials 472, 20-27, 2016
Adhesion between ferrite iron-iron/cementite countersurfaces: A molecular dynamics study
AT AlMotasema, J Bergströma, A Gåårda, P Krakhmaleva, LJ Hollebooma
Tribology International, 2016
Microstructure evolution of iron precipitates in (Fe, He)-irradiated 6H-SiC: A combined TEM and multiscale modeling
N Daghbouj, AT AlMotasem, J Vesely, BS Li, HS Sen, M Karlik, J Lorinčík, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 584, 154543, 2023
Vibrational contribution to the thermodynamics of nanosized precipitates: vacancy–copper clusters in bcc-Fe
M Talati, M Posselt, G Bonny, A Al-Motasem, F Bergner
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (22), 225402, 2012
Interaction of Stacking Faults with point/extended defects in Fe-He irradiated 6H-SiC
HS Sen, N Daghbouj, BS Li, AT AlMotasem, FF Ge, L Zhang, M Callisti, ...
Acta Materialia 256, 119129, 2023
Photoinduced effects on the optical constants of a-Ge–Se–Bi chalcogenide glassy thin films
MM Hafiz, AA Othman, MM El-Nahass, AT Al-Motasem
Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids 162 (9), 669-676, 2007
Deformation behavior of nanocrystalline body-centered cubic iron with segregated, foreign interstitial: A molecular dynamics study
AT AlMotasem, M Posselt, T Polcar
Materials 13 (23), 5351, 2020
Exploring defect behavior in helium-irradiated single-crystal and nanocrystalline 3C-SiC at 800° C: A synergy of experimental and simulation techniques
Z Wang, L Zhang, AT AlMotasem, B Li, T Polcar, N Daghbouj
Acta Materialia 279, 120281, 2024
Exploring radiation damage in (Hf0. 2Zr0. 2Ta0. 2Ti0. 2Nb0. 2) C high-entropy carbide ceramic: Integrating experimental and atomistic investigations
G Zhang, N Daghbouj, AT AlMotasem, Z Fang, T Wang, J Zhang, T Zhang, ...
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 123, 106755, 2024
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