Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Gernot NehrkePelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 4
Framboidal vaterite aggregates and their transformation into calcite: A morphological study
G Nehrke, P Van Cappellen
Journal of crystal growth 287 (2), 528-530, 2006
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Calcium isotope fractionation in ikaite and vaterite
N Gussone, G Nehrke, BMA Teichert
Chemical Geology 285 (1-4), 194-202, 2011
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Diagenesis of mollusc aragonite and the role of fluid reservoirs
C Pederson, V Mavromatis, M Dietzel, C Rollion-Bard, G Nehrke, N Jöns, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 514, 130-142, 2019
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Climate Archives
G Lohmann, K Grosfeld, D Wolf-Gladrow, A Wegner, J Notholt, V Unnithan, ...
Earth System Science: Bridging the Gaps between Disciplines: Perspectives …, 2012
Mandat: Swiss National Science Foundation
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 64
Strain-specific responses of Emiliania huxleyi to changing seawater carbonate chemistry
G Langer, G Nehrke, I Probert, J Ly, P Ziveri
Biogeosciences 6 (11), 2637-2646, 2009
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Calcium carbonate as ikaite crystals in Antarctic sea ice
GS Dieckmann, G Nehrke, S Papadimitriou, J Göttlicher, R Steininger, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (8), 2008
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Dependence of calcite growth rate and Sr partitioning on solution stoichiometry: non-Kossel crystal growth
G Nehrke, GJ Reichart, P Van Cappellen, C Meile, J Bijma
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71 (9), 2240-2249, 2007
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Calcite growth kinetics: Modeling the effect of solution stoichiometry
M Wolthers, G Nehrke, JP Gustafsson, P Van Cappellen
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 77, 121-134, 2012
Mandat: German Research Foundation
The impact of salinity on the Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratio in the benthic foraminifera Ammonia tepida: Results from culture experiments
D Dissard, G Nehrke, GJ Reichart, J Bijma
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (3), 928-940, 2010
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Evidence for methane production by the marine algae Emiliania huxleyi
K Lenhart, T Klintzsch, G Langer, G Nehrke, M Bunge, S Schnell, ...
Biogeosciences 13 (10), 3163-3174, 2016
Mandat: German Research Foundation, UK Natural Environment Research Council …
The winter pack-ice zone provides a sheltered but food-poor habitat for larval Antarctic krill
B Meyer, U Freier, V Grimm, J Groeneveld, BPV Hunt, S Kerwath, R King, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 1 (12), 1853-1861, 2017
Mandat: Helmholtz Association, UK Natural Environment Research Council
Cellular calcium pathways and isotope fractionation in Emiliania huxleyi
N Gussone, G Langer, S Thoms, G Nehrke, A Eisenhauer, U Riebesell, ...
Geology 34 (8), 625-628, 2006
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Temperate rainforests near the South Pole during peak Cretaceous warmth
JP Klages, U Salzmann, T Bickert, CD Hillenbrand, K Gohl, G Kuhn, ...
Nature 580 (7801), 81-86, 2020
Mandat: Helmholtz Association, UK Natural Environment Research Council
Coexistence of three calcium carbonate polymorphs in the shell of the Antarctic clam Laternula elliptica
G Nehrke, H Poigner, D Wilhelms‐Dick, T Brey, D Abele
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 13 (5), 2012
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Coccolith strontium to calcium ratios in Emiliania huxleyi: The dependence on seawater strontium and calcium concentrations
G Langer, N Gussone, G Nehrke, U Riebesell, A Eisenhauer, H Kuhnert, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 51 (1), 310-320, 2006
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Methane production by three widespread marine phytoplankton species: release rates, precursor compounds, and potential relevance for the environment
T Klintzsch, G Langer, G Nehrke, A Wieland, K Lenhart, F Keppler
Biogeosciences 16 (20), 4129-4144, 2019
Mandat: German Research Foundation, UK Natural Environment Research Council
Heavy metal incorporation in foraminiferal calcite: results from multi-element enrichment culture experiments with Ammonia tepida
D Munsel, U Kramar, D Dissard, G Nehrke, Z Berner, J Bijma, GJ Reichart, ...
Biogeosciences 7 (8), 2339-2350, 2010
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Effect of pH and phosphate on calcium carbonate polymorphs precipitated at near-freezing temperature
YB Hu, M Wolthers, DA Wolf-Gladrow, G Nehrke
Crystal Growth & Design 15 (4), 1596-1601, 2015
Mandat: German Research Foundation, UK Natural Environment Research Council
Calcium isotope fractionation during coccolith formation in Emiliania huxleyi: Independence of growth and calcification rate
G Langer, N Gussone, G Nehrke, U Riebesell, A Eisenhauer, S Thoms
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 8 (5), 2007
Mandat: German Research Foundation
First estimates of the contribution of CaCO3 precipitation to the release of CO2 to the atmosphere during young sea ice growth
NX Geilfus, G Carnat, GS Dieckmann, N Halden, G Nehrke, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 118 (1), 244-255, 2013
Mandat: German Research Foundation
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