Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Joseba MakazagaPelajari lebih lanjut
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 9
New families of symplectic splitting methods for numerical integration in dynamical astronomy
S Blanes, F Casas, A Farres, J Laskar, J Makazaga, A Murua
Applied Numerical Mathematics 68, 58-72, 2013
Mandat: Government of Spain
High precision symplectic integrators for the Solar System
A Farrés, J Laskar, S Blanes, F Casas, J Makazaga, A Murua
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 116 (2), 141-174, 2013
Mandat: Government of Spain
Multi-revolution composition methods for highly oscillatory differential equations
P Chartier, J Makazaga, A Murua, G Vilmart
Numerische Mathematik 128, 167-192, 2014
Mandat: Government of Spain
Reducing and monitoring round-off error propagation for symplectic implicit Runge-Kutta schemes
M Antoñana, J Makazaga, A Murua
Numerical Algorithms 76 (4), 861-880, 2017
Mandat: Government of Spain
Efficient implementation of symplectic implicit Runge-Kutta schemes with simplified Newton iterations
M Antoñana, J Makazaga, A Murua
Numerical Algorithms 78 (1), 63-86, 2018
Mandat: Government of Spain
New Integration Methods for Perturbed ODEs Based on Symplectic Implicit Runge–Kutta Schemes with Application to Solar System Simulations
M Antoñana, J Makazaga, A Murua
Journal of Scientific Computing 76 (1), 630-650, 2018
Mandat: Government of Spain
Global Time-Renormalization of the Gravitational -body Problem
M Anton͂ana, P Chartier, J Makazaga, A Murua
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 19 (4), 2658-2681, 2020
Mandat: Government of Spain
An implicit symplectic solver for high-precision long-term integrations of the Solar System
M Antoñana, E Alberdi, J Makazaga, A Murua
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 134 (3), 31, 2022
Mandat: Government of Spain
An algorithm based on continuation techniques for minimization problems with non-linear equality constraints
E Alberdi, J Makazaga, A Murua, M Antonana
Proceedings IMCS-55, 176-178, 2019
Mandat: European Commission, Government of Spain
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