Luis Rene Vasquez Martinez
Luis Rene Vasquez Martinez
Docente, Universidad Metropolitana de Honduras.
Email yang diverifikasi di umh.edu.hn
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Extinction risk from climate change
CD Thomas, A Cameron, RE Green, M Bakkenes, LJ Beaumont, ...
Nature 427 (6970), 145-148, 2004
A large and persistent carbon sink in the world’s forests
Y Pan, RA Birdsey, J Fang, R Houghton, PE Kauppi, WA Kurz, OL Phillips, ...
science 333 (6045), 988-993, 2011
TRY–a global database of plant traits
J Kattge, S Diaz, S Lavorel, IC Prentice, P Leadley, G Bönisch, E Garnier, ...
Global change biology 17 (9), 2905-2935, 2011
Drought sensitivity of the Amazon rainforest
OL Phillips, LEOC Aragão, SL Lewis, JB Fisher, J Lloyd, ...
Science 323 (5919), 1344-1347, 2009
TRY plant trait database–enhanced coverage and open access
J Kattge, G Bönisch, S Díaz, S Lavorel, IC Prentice, P Leadley, ...
Global change biology 26 (1), 119-188, 2020
Hyperdominance in the Amazonian tree flora
H Ter Steege, NCA Pitman, D Sabatier, C Baraloto, RP Salomão, ...
Science 342 (6156), 1243092, 2013
The useful plants of Tambopata, Peru: I. Statistical hypotheses tests with a new quantitative technique
O Phillips, AH Gentry
Economic Botany, 15-32, 1993
The 2010 amazon drought
SL Lewis, PM Brando, OL Phillips, GMF Van Der Heijden, D Nepstad
Science 331 (6017), 554-554, 2011
Changes in the carbon balance of tropical forests: evidence from long-term plots
OL Phillips, Y Malhi, N Higuchi, WF Laurance, PV Núnez, RM Vásquez, ...
Science 282 (5388), 439-442, 1998
Long-term decline of the Amazon carbon sink
RJW Brienen, OL Phillips, TR Feldpausch, E Gloor, TR Baker, J Lloyd, ...
Nature 519 (7543), 344-348, 2015
Increasing carbon storage in intact African tropical forests
SL Lewis, G Lopez-Gonzalez, B Sonké, K Affum-Baffoe, TR Baker, LO Ojo, ...
Nature 457 (7232), 1003-1006, 2009
Variation in wood density determines spatial patterns inAmazonian forest biomass
TR Baker, OL Phillips, Y Malhi, S Almeida, L Arroyo, A Di Fiore, T Erwin, ...
Global Change Biology 10 (5), 545-562, 2004
The structure, distribution, and biomass of the world's forests
Y Pan, RA Birdsey, OL Phillips, RB Jackson
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 44 (1), 593-622, 2013
Continental-scale patterns of canopy tree composition and function across Amazonia
H Ter Steege, NCA Pitman, OL Phillips, J Chave, D Sabatier, A Duque, ...
Nature 443 (7110), 444-447, 2006
21st Century drought-related fires counteract the decline of Amazon deforestation carbon emissions
LEOC Aragão, LO Anderson, MG Fonseca, TM Rosan, LB Vedovato, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 536, 2018
Quantitative ethnobotany and Amazonian conservation
O Phillips, AH Gentry, C Reynel, P Wilkin, C Gálvez‐Durand B
Conservation biology 8 (1), 225-248, 1994
Asynchronous carbon sink saturation in African and Amazonian tropical forests
W Hubau, SL Lewis, OL Phillips, K Affum-Baffoe, H Beeckman, ...
Nature 579 (7797), 80-87, 2020
The regional variation of aboveground live biomass in old‐growth Amazonian forests
Y Malhi, D Wood, TR Baker, J Wright, OL Phillips, T Cochrane, P Meir, ...
Global Change Biology 12 (7), 1107-1138, 2006
Persistent effects of pre-Columbian plant domestication on Amazonian forest composition
C Levis, FRC Costa, F Bongers, M Peña-Claros, CR Clement, ...
Science 355 (6328), 925-931, 2017
Basin-wide variations in Amazon forest structure and function are mediated by both soils and climate
CA Quesada, OL Phillips, M Schwarz, CI Czimczik, TR Baker, S Patiño, ...
Biogeosciences 9 (6), 2203-2246, 2012
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