Stefan Covaci
Stefan Covaci
Email yang diverifikasi di tu-berlin.de
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MASIF the OMG mobile agent system interoperability facility
D Milojicic, M Breugst, I Busse, J Campbell, S Covaci, B Friedman, ...
International Workshop on Mobile Agents, 50-67, 1998
Service function chaining in next generation networks: State of the art and research challenges
AM Medhat, T Taleb, A Elmangoush, GA Carella, S Covaci, T Magedanz
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (2), 216-223, 2016
A mobile agent platform for IN based service environments
M Breugst, I Busse, S Covaci, T Magedanz
IN'98. 7th IEEE Intelligent Network Workshop Proceedings (Cat. No. 98TH8364 …, 1998
Satellite communications integration with terrestrial networks
A Kapovits, MI Corici, ID Gheorghe-Pop, A Gavras, F Burkhardt, ...
China Communications 15 (8), 22-38, 2018
Applying the software-to-data paradigm in next generation e-health hybrid clouds
C Thuemmler, J Mueller, S Covaci, T Magedanz, S De Panfilis, T Jell, ...
2013 10th International Conference on Information Technology: New …, 2013
Empowering the Internet of Vehicles with Multi-RAT 5G Network Slicing
R Sanchez-Iborra, J Santa, J Gallego-Madrid, S Covaci, A Skarmeta
Sensors 19 (14), 3107, 2019
Energy-aware routing based on power profile of devices in data center networks using SDN
TM Nam, NH Thanh, NQ Thu, HT Hieu, S Covaci
2015 12th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics …, 2015
An architecture for designing Future Internet (FI) applications in sensitive domains: Expressing the Software to data paradigm by utilizing hybrid cloud technology
S Sotiriadis, EGM Petrakis, S Covaci, P Zampognaro, E Georga, ...
13th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, 1-6, 2013
5G and beyond for new space: vision and research challenges
M Höyhtyä, M Corici, S Covaci, M Guta
Proceedings of the International Communications Satellite Systems Conference …, 2019
Intelligent agents in network and service management
T Zhang, S Covaci, R Popescu-Zeletin
Proceedings of GLOBECOM'96. 1996 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 3 …, 1996
Intelligent Agents in Network Management
T Zhang, S Covaci, R Popescu-Zeletin
Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE GLOBECOM Conference, 1996
Assessing satellite-terrestrial integration opportunities in the 5G environment
M Corici, A Kapovits, S Covaci, A Geurtz, ID Gheorghe-Pop, B Riemer, ...
white paper developed by the ESA INSTINCT Project, 2016
Java-based intelligent mobile agents for open system management
S Covaci, T Zhang, I Busse
Proceedings Ninth IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 1997
Embedding security and privacy into the development and operation of cloud applications and services
TQ Thanh, S Covaci, T Magedanz, P Gouvas, A Zafeiropoulos
2016 17th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning …, 2016
The OMG mobile agent facility: A submission
DT Chang, S Covaci
International Workshop on Mobile Agents, 98-110, 1997
MEC-Assisted End-to-End 5G-Slicing for IoT
R Sanchez-Iborra, S Covaci, J Santa, J Sanchez-Gomez, ...
2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2019
Efficiency evaluation of a mobile agent based network management system
K Sugauchi, S Miyazaki, S Covaci, T Zhang
International Conference on Intelligence in Services and Networks, 527-535, 1999
Towards integrated network management for ATM and SDH networks supporting a global broadband connectivity management service
A Galis, C Brianza, C Leone, C Salvatori, D Gantenbein, S Covaci, ...
International Conference on Intelligence in Services and Networks, 303-314, 1997
Autonomy and decentralization in active networks: A case study for mobile agents
I Busse, S Covaci, A Leichsenring
IFIP International Working Conference on Active Networks, 165-179, 1999
Toward multidomain integrated network management for ATM and SDH networks
A Galis, D Gantenbein, S Covaci, C Bianza, F Karayannis, G Mykoniatis
Broadband Strategies and Technologies for Wide Area and Local Access …, 1996
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