Recent developments in irradiation-resistant steels GR Odette, MJ Alinger, BD Wirth Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. 38 (1), 471-503, 2008 | 1360 | 2008 |
On the role of alloy composition and processing parameters in nanocluster formation and dispersion strengthening in nanostuctured ferritic alloys MJ Alinger, GR Odette, DT Hoelzer Acta Materialia 57 (2), 392-406, 2009 | 475 | 2009 |
Recent progress in understanding reactor pressure vessel steel embrittlement GR Odette, GE Lucas Radiation effects and defects in solids 144 (1-4), 189-231, 1998 | 470 | 1998 |
Embrittlement of nuclear reactor pressure vessels GR Odette, GE Lucas Jom 53, 18-22, 2001 | 440 | 2001 |
Ferritic/martensitic steels–overview of recent results RL Klueh, DS Gelles, S Jitsukawa, A Kimura, GR Odette, ... Journal of Nuclear Materials 307, 455-465, 2002 | 408 | 2002 |
Primary damage formation in bcc iron RE Stoller, GR Odette, BD Wirth Journal of Nuclear Materials 251, 49-60, 1997 | 369 | 1997 |
On the dominant mechanism of irradiation embrittlement of reactor pressure vessel steels GR Odette Scripta metallurgica 17 (10), 1183-1188, 1983 | 338 | 1983 |
Influence of particle dispersions on the high-temperature strength of ferritic alloys DT Hoelzer, J Bentley, MA Sokolov, MK Miller, GR Odette, MJ Alinger Journal of Nuclear Materials 367, 166-172, 2007 | 289 | 2007 |
Status of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel development N Baluc, DS Gelles, S Jitsukawa, A Kimura, RL Klueh, GR Odette, ... Journal of Nuclear Materials 367, 33-41, 2007 | 269 | 2007 |
Irradiation-tolerant nanostructured ferritic alloys: Transforming helium from a liability to an asset GR Odette, DT Hoelzer Jom 62, 84-92, 2010 | 268 | 2010 |
Development of next generation tempered and ODS reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels for fusion energy applications SJ Zinkle, JL Boutard, DT Hoelzer, A Kimura, R Lindau, GR Odette, ... Nuclear Fusion 57 (9), 092005, 2017 | 258 | 2017 |
The development and stability of Y–Ti–O nanoclusters in mechanically alloyed Fe–Cr based ferritic alloys MJ Alinger, GR Odette, DT Hoelzer Journal of Nuclear Materials 329, 382-386, 2004 | 240 | 2004 |
Recent progress of R&D activities on reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels Q Huang, N Baluc, Y Dai, S Jitsukawa, A Kimura, J Konys, RJ Kurtz, ... Journal of Nuclear Materials 442 (1-3), S2-S8, 2013 | 235 | 2013 |
Dislocation loop structure, energy and mobility of self-interstitial atom clusters in bcc iron BD Wirth, GR Odette, D Maroudas, GE Lucas Journal of nuclear materials 276 (1-3), 33-40, 2000 | 232 | 2000 |
Precipitation in neutron-irradiated Fe–Cu and Fe–Cu–Mn model alloys: a comparison of APT and SANS data MK Miller, BD Wirth, GR Odette Materials Science and Engineering: A 353 (1-2), 133-139, 2003 | 222 | 2003 |
Development of an extensive database of mechanical and physical properties for reduced-activation martensitic steel F82H S Jitsukawa, M Tamura, B Van der Schaaf, RL Klueh, A Alamo, ... Journal of Nuclear Materials 307, 179-186, 2002 | 222 | 2002 |
Recent progress in developing and qualifying nanostructured ferritic alloys for advanced fission and fusion applications GR Odette Jom 66, 2427-2441, 2014 | 220 | 2014 |
α′ precipitation in neutron-irradiated Fe–Cr alloys M Bachhav, GR Odette, EA Marquis Scripta Materialia 74, 48-51, 2014 | 208 | 2014 |
Ductile reinforcement toughening of γ-TiAl: effects of debonding and ductility HE Deve, AG Evans, GR Odette, R Mehrabian, ML Emiliani, RJ Hecht Acta metallurgica et materialia 38 (8), 1491-1502, 1990 | 208 | 1990 |
Energetics of formation and migration of self-interstitials and self-interstitial clusters in α-iron BD Wirth, GR Odette, D Maroudas, GE Lucas Journal of nuclear materials 244 (3), 185-194, 1997 | 203 | 1997 |