Ernest Rutter
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A discussion on natural strain and geological structure-the kinetics of rock deformation by pressure solution
EH Rutter
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A …, 1976
S.-I. Karato 2008. Deformation of Earth Materials. An Introduction to the Rheology of Solid Earth. x+ 463 pp. Cambridge, New York, Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. Price …
EH Rutter
Geological Magazine 147 (2), 317-318, 2010
Pressure solution in nature, theory and experiment
EH Rutter
Journal of the Geological Society 140 (5), 725-740, 1983
On the internal structure and mechanics of large strike-slip fault zones: field observations of the Carboneras fault in southeastern Spain
DR Faulkner, AC Lewis, EH Rutter
Tectonophysics 367 (3-4), 235-251, 2003
Comparative microstructures of natural and experimentally produced clay-bearing fault gouges
EH Rutter, RH Maddock, SH Hall, SH White
Pure and applied geophysics 124, 3-30, 1986
On the relationship between deformation and metamorphism, with special reference to the behavior of basic rocks
KH Brodie, EH Rutter
Metamorphic reactions: kinetics, textures, and deformation, 138-179, 1985
On the nomenclature of mode of failure transitions in rocks
EH Rutter
Tectonophysics 122 (3-4), 381-387, 1986
Experimental deformation of partially molten Westerly granite under fluid‐absent conditions, with implications for the extraction of granitic magmas
EH Rutter, DHK Neumann
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 100 (B8), 15697-15715, 1995
The influence of temperature, strain rate and interstitial water in the experimental deformation of calcite rocks
EH Rutter
Tectonophysics 22 (3-4), 311-334, 1974
Palaeostress estimation using calcite twinning: experimental calibration and application to nature
KJ Rowe, EH Rutter
Journal of Structural Geology 12 (1), 1-17, 1990
Strength, porosity, and permeability development during hydrostatic and shear loading of synthetic quartz‐clay fault gouge
BR Crawford, DR Faulkner, EH Rutter
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 113 (B3), 2008
Can the maintenance of overpressured fluids in large strike-slip fault zones explain their apparent weakness?
DR Faulkner, EH Rutter
Geology 29 (6), 503-506, 2001
The role of tectonic grain size reduction in the rheological stratification of the lithosphere
EH Rutter, KH Brodie
Geologische Rundschau 77, 295-307, 1988
Comparisons of water and argon permeability in natural clay‐bearing fault gouge under high pressure at 20° C
DR Faulkner, EH Rutter
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 105 (B7), 16415-16426, 2000
Experimental study of the influence of stress, temperature, and strain on the dynamic recrystallization of Carrara marble
EH Rutter
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 100 (B12), 24651-24663, 1995
Experimental study of grain-size sensitive flow of synthetic, hot-pressed calcite rocks
AN Walker, EH Rutter, KH Brodie
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 54 (1), 259-284, 1990
Deep crustal extensional faulting in the Ivrea Zone of Northern Italy
KH Brodie, EH Rutter
Tectonophysics 140 (2-4), 193-212, 1987
The influence of interstitial water on the rheological behaviour of calcite rocks
EH Rutter
Tectonophysics 14 (1), 13-33, 1972
Fault-zone reactivation: kinematics and mechanisms
SH White, PG Bretan, EH Rutter
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A …, 1986
Experimental grain size-sensitive flow of hot-pressed Brazilian quartz aggregates
EH Rutter, KH Brodie
Journal of Structural Geology 26 (11), 2011-2023, 2004
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