Majid Kermani
Majid Kermani
Professor of Environmental Health Engineering Department, Iran University of Medical Sciences
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Contaminants of emerging concern: a review of new approach in AOP technologies
M Salimi, A Esrafili, M Gholami, A Jonidi Jafari, R Rezaei Kalantary, ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 189 (414), 2017
Application of moving bed biofilm process for biological organics and nutrients removal from municipal wastewater
M Kermani, B Bina, H Movahedian, MM Amin, M Nikaein
American journal of environmental sciences 4 (6), 675, 2008
Catalytic ozonation of high concentrations of catechol over TiO2@Fe3O4 magnetic core-shell nanocatalyst: Optimization, toxicity and degradation pathway studies
M Kermani, B Kakavandi, M Farzadkia, A Esrafili, S Fallah Jokandan, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018
Kinetic and isotherm studies of adsorption and biosorption processes in the removal of phenolic compounds from aqueous solutions: comparative study
A Gholizadeh, M Kermani, M Gholami, M Farzadkia
Journal of environmental health science and engineering 11, 1-10, 2013
Simultaneous catalytic degradation of 2,4-D and MCPA herbicides using sulfate radical-based heterogeneous oxidation over persulfate activated by natural hematite (α-Fe2O3/PS)
M Kermani, F Mohammadi, B Kakavandi, A Esrafili, Z Rostamifasih
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2018
Degradation of furfural in aqueous solution using activated persulfate and peroxymonosulfate by ultrasound irradiation
M Kermani, M Farzadkia, M Morovati, M Taghavi, S Fallahizadeh, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 266, 110616, 2020
Removal of phenol from aqueous solutions by rice husk ash and activated carbon.
M Kermani, H Pourmoghaddas, B Bina, Z Khazaei
Presence of SARS-CoV-2 in the air of public places and transportation
M Hadei, SR Mohebbi, PK Hopke, A Shahsavani, S Bazazpour, ...
Atmospheric Pollution Research 12 (3), 302-306, 2021
Biological phosphorus and nitrogen removal from wastewater using moving bed biofilm process
M Kermani, B Bina, H Movahedian, MM Amin, M Nikaein
Iranian Journal of Biotechnology 7 (1), 19-27, 2009
The effect of climate change on cholera disease: The road ahead using artificial neural network
Z Asadgol, H Mohammadi, M Kermani, A Badirzadeh, M Gholami
PLoS ONE 14 (11), e0224813, 2019
Heterogeneous electro-Fenton process by Nano-Fe3O4 for catalytic degradation of amoxicillin: Process optimization using response surface methodology
RR Kalantary, M Farzadkia, M Kermani, M Rahmatinia
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 6 (4), 4644-4652, 2018
A Global Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis and Health Risk Assessment on the Quantity of Malathion, Diazinon and Chlorpyrifos in Vegetables
M Kermani, M Dowlati, M Gholami, HR Sobhi, A Azari, A Esrafili, ...
Chemosphere, 129382, 2021
Indoor and outdoor concentrations of BTEX and formaldehyde in Tehran, Iran: effects of building characteristics and health risk assessment
M Hadei, PK Hopke, M Rafiee, N Rastkari, M Yarahmadi, M Kermani, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 27423-27437, 2018
Health benefits of PM10 reduction in Iran
M Bagherian Marzouni, M Moradi, A Zarasvandi, S Akbaripoor, ...
International Journal of Biometeorology, 2017
A case study of BTEX characteristics and health effects by major point sources of pollution during winter in Iran
A Norouzian Baghani, A Sorooshian, M Heydari, R Sheikhi, S Golbaz, ...
Environmental Pollution 247, 607-617, 2019
Normal and dusty days comparison of culturable indoor airborne bacteria in Ahvaz, Iran
Z Soleimani, N Parhizgari, H Dehdari Rad, MR Akhoond, M Kermani, ...
Aerobiologia 31 (2), 127-141, 2015
Characterization, possible sources and health risk assessment of PM2.5-bound Heavy Metals in the most industrial city of Iran
M Kermani, A Jonidi jafari, M Gholami, H Arfaeinia, A Shahsavani, ...
Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering, 2021
Spatial and Temporal Trends of Short-Term Health Impacts of PM2.5 in Iranian Cities; a Modelling Approach (2013-2016)
PK Hopke, SS Hashemi Nazari, M Hadei, M Yarahmadi, M Kermani, ...
Aerosol and Air Quality Research 18 (2), 497-504, 2018
Efficient visible light-induced photocatalytic removal of paraquat using N-doped TiO2@ SiO2@ Fe3O4 nanocomposite
A Pourzad, HR Sobhi, M Behbahani, A Esrafili, RR Kalantary, M Kermani
Journal of Molecular Liquids 299, 112167, 2020
On the nature and health impacts of BTEX in a populated middle eastern city: Tehran, Iran
F Golkhorshidi, A Sorooshian, A Jonidi Jafari, A Norouzian Baghani, ...
Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2019
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