Tuire Koponen
Tuire Koponen
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Cognitive predictors of single-digit and procedural calculation skills and their covariation with reading skill
T Koponen, K Aunola, T Ahonen, JE Nurmi
Journal of experimental child psychology 97 (3), 220-241, 2007
The many faces of special education within RTI frameworks in the United States and Finland
PM Björn, MT Aro, TK Koponen, LS Fuchs, DH Fuchs
Learning disability quarterly 39 (1), 58-66, 2016
Counting and RAN: predictors of arithmetic calculation and reading fluency.
T Koponen, P Salmi, K Eklund, T Aro
Journal of educational psychology 105 (1), 162, 2013
Linguistic and spatial skills predict early arithmetic development via counting sequence knowledge
X Zhang, T Koponen, P Räsänen, K Aunola, MK Lerkkanen, JE Nurmi
Child development 85 (3), 1091-1107, 2014
Math anxiety and its relationship with basic arithmetic skills among primary school children
R Sorvo, T Koponen, H Viholainen, T Aro, E Räikkönen, P Peura, ...
British Journal of Educational Psychology 87 (3), 309-327, 2017
Counting and rapid naming predict the fluency of arithmetic and reading skills
T Koponen, P Salmi, M Torppa, K Eklund, T Aro, M Aro, AM Poikkeus, ...
Contemporary Educational Psychology 44, 83-94, 2016
A review of early numeracy interventions for children at risk in mathematics
R Mononen, P Aunio, T Koponen, M Aro
International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education 6 (1), 25-54, 2014
Early cognitive precursors of children's mathematics learning disability and persistent low achievement: A 5‐year longitudinal study
X Zhang, P Räsänen, T Koponen, K Aunola, MK Lerkkanen, JE Nurmi
Child development 91 (1), 7-27, 2020
A meta-analysis of the relation between RAN and mathematics.
T Koponen, G Georgiou, P Salmi, M Leskinen, M Aro
Journal of Educational Psychology 109 (7), 977, 2017
Basic numeracy in children with specific language impairment: Heterogeneity and connections to language
T Koponen, R Mononen, P Räsänen, T Ahonen
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 49 (1), 58-73, 2006
Trajectories of change in reading self-efficacy: A longitudinal analysis of self-efficacy and its sources
P Peura, T Aro, E Räikkönen, H Viholainen, T Koponen, EL Usher, M Aro
Contemporary educational psychology 64, 101947, 2021
Development of math anxiety and its longitudinal relationships with arithmetic achievement among primary school children
R Sorvo, T Koponen, H Viholainen, T Aro, E Räikkönen, P Peura, ...
Learning and Individual Differences 69, 173-181, 2019
Covariation between reading and arithmetic skills from Grade 1 to Grade 7
H Korpipää, T Koponen, M Aro, A Tolvanen, K Aunola, AM Poikkeus, ...
Contemporary educational psychology 51, 131-140, 2017
Response-to-intervention in Finland and the United States: Mathematics learning support as an example
PM Björn, M Aro, T Koponen, LS Fuchs, D Fuchs
Frontiers in psychology 9, 800, 2018
Comorbid fluency difficulties in reading and math: Longitudinal stability across early grades
T Koponen, M Aro, AM Poikkeus, P Niemi, MK Lerkkanen, T Ahonen, ...
Exceptional Children 84 (3), 298-311, 2018
Knowing, applying, and reasoning about arithmetic: Roles of domain-general and numerical skills in multiple domains of arithmetic learning.
X Zhang, P Räsänen, T Koponen, K Aunola, MK Lerkkanen, JE Nurmi
Developmental psychology 53 (12), 2304, 2017
Calculation and Language: Diagnostic and intervention studies
T Koponen
Jyväskylä Studies in education, psychology and social research, 2008
Can reading fluency and self-efficacy of reading fluency be enhanced with an intervention targeting the sources of self-efficacy?
T Aro, H Viholainen, T Koponen, P Peura, E Räikkönen, P Salmi, R Sorvo, ...
Learning and Individual Differences 67, 53-66, 2018
Cognitive correlates of the covariance in reading and arithmetic fluency: Importance of serial retrieval fluency
T Koponen, K Eklund, R Heikkilä, J Salminen, L Fuchs, D Fuchs, M Aro
Child Development 91 (4), 1063-1080, 2020
M Aro, T Aro, T Koponen, H Viholainen
Teoksessa M. Jahnukainen (toim.) Lasten erityishuolto ja-opetus Suomessa …, 2012
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