Dr. Jitesh Pradhan
Dr. Jitesh Pradhan
Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of
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A hierarchical CBIR framework using adaptive tetrolet transform and novel histograms from color and shape features
J Pradhan, S Kumar, AK Pal, H Banka
Digital Signal Processing 82, 258-281, 2018
Image retrieval based on non-uniform bins of color histogram and dual tree complex wavelet transform
N Varish, J Pradhan, AK Pal
Multimedia Tools and Applications 76, 15885-15921, 2017
Cybersecurity attack-resilience authentication mechanism for intelligent healthcare system
P Soni, J Pradhan, AK Pal, SKH Islam
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 19 (1), 830-840, 2022
A systematic literature review on latest keystroke dynamics based models
S Roy, J Pradhan, A Kumar, DRD Adhikary, U Roy, D Sinha, RK Pal
IEEE Access 10, 92192-92236, 2022
Fusion of region based extracted features for instance-and class-based CBIR applications
J Pradhan, AK Pal, H Banka, P Dansena
Applied Soft Computing 102, 107063, 2021
Multi-level colored directional motif histograms for content-based image retrieval
J Pradhan, A Ajad, AK Pal, H Banka
The Visual Computer 36 (9), 1847-1868, 2020
Principal texture direction based block level image reordering and use of color edge features for application of object based image retrieval
J Pradhan, AK Pal, H Banka
Multimedia Tools and Applications 78 (2), 1685-1717, 2019
An evolutionary supply chain management service model based on deep learning features for automated glaucoma detection using fundus images
SK Sharma, D Muduli, R Priyadarshini, RR Kumar, A Kumar, J Pradhan
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 128, 107449, 2024
An empirical evaluation of extreme learning machine uncertainty quantification for automated breast cancer detection
D Muduli, RR Kumar, J Pradhan, A Kumar
Neural Computing and Applications, 1-16, 2023
Computational intelligence based secure three-party CBIR scheme for medical data for cloud-assisted healthcare applications
M Majhi, AK Pal, J Pradhan, SKH Islam, MK Khan
Multimedia Tools and Applications 81 (29), 41545-41577, 2022
A prominent object region detection based approach for CBIR application
J Pradhan, AK Pal, H Banka
2016 Fourth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid …, 2016
Adaptive tetrolet based color, texture and shape feature extraction for content based image retrieval application
S Kumar, J Pradhan, AK Pal
Multimedia Tools and Applications 80 (19), 29017-29049, 2021
Texture and colour region separation based image retrieval using probability annular histogram and weighted similarity matching scheme
J Pradhan, S Kumar, AK Pal, H Banka
IET Image Processing 14 (7), 1303-1315, 2020
A CBIR technique based on the combination of shape and color features
S Kumar, J Pradhan, AK Pal
Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms: Proceedings of …, 2018
Texture and color visual features based CBIR using 2D DT-CWT and histograms
J Pradhan, S Kumar, AK Pal, H Banka
Mathematics and Computing: 4th International Conference, ICMC 2018, Varanasi …, 2018
A vision transformer-based automated human identification using ear biometrics
R Mehta, S Shukla, J Pradhan, KK Singh, A Kumar
Journal of Information Security and Applications 78, 103599, 2023
A CBIR system based on saliency driven local image features and multi orientation texture features
J Pradhan, AK Pal, H Banka
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 83, 103396, 2022
A CBIR scheme using GLCM features in DCT domain
S Kumar, J Pradhan, AK Pal
2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and …, 2017
Explainable deep learning for mental health detection from english and arabic social media posts
A Kumar, J Kumari, J Pradhan
ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, 2023
Radiological image retrieval technique using multi-resolution texture and shape features
S Kumar, J Pradhan, AK Pal, SKH Islam, MK Khan
Multimedia Tools and Applications 81 (10), 13633-13660, 2022
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