Email yang diverifikasi di faculty.nsysu.edu.tw - Beranda
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Texture analysis in hexagonal materials
YN Wang, JC Huang
Materials Chemistry and Physics 81 (1), 11-26, 2003
Relationship between grain size and Zener–Holloman parameter during friction stir processing in AZ31 Mg alloys
CI Chang, CJ Lee, JC Huang
Scripta materialia 51 (6), 509-514, 2004
The role of twinning and untwinning in yielding behavior in hot-extruded Mg–Al–Zn alloy
YN Wang, JC Huang
Acta materialia 55 (3), 897-905, 2007
A precision measurement of the mass of the top quark
Nature 429 (6992), 638-642, 2004
Mg based nano-composites fabricated by friction stir processing
CJ Lee, JC Huang, PJ Hsieh
Scripta Materialia 54 (7), 1415-1420, 2006
Evidence of oxygen vacancy enhanced room-temperature ferromagnetism in Co-doped ZnO
HS Hsu, JCA Huang, YH Huang, YF Liao, MZ Lin, CH Lee, JF Lee, ...
Applied Physics Letters 88 (24), 2006
PEEK composites reinforced by nano-sized SiO2 and Al2O3 particulates
MC Kuo, CM Tsai, JC Huang, M Chen
Materials chemistry and physics 90 (1), 185-195, 2005
Recoil Polarization Measurements of the Proton Electromagnetic Form Factor Ratio <?format ?>to
AJR Puckett, EJ Brash, MK Jones, W Luo, M Meziane, L Pentchev, ...
Physical review letters 104 (24), 242301, 2010
Dual heterogeneous structures lead to ultrahigh strength and uniform ductility in a Co-Cr-Ni medium-entropy alloy
XH Du, WP Li, HT Chang, T Yang, GS Duan, BL Wu, JC Huang, FR Chen, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 2390, 2020
Thin film metallic glasses: Unique properties and potential applications
JP Chu, JSC Jang, JC Huang, HS Chou, Y Yang, JC Ye, YC Wang, ...
Thin Solid Films 520 (16), 5097-5122, 2012
Applying learning analytics for the early prediction of Students' academic performance in blended learning
OHT Lu, AYQ Huang, JCH Huang, AJQ Lin, H Ogata, SJH Yang
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 21 (2), 220-232, 2018
Achieving ultrafine grain size in Mg–Al–Zn alloy by friction stir processing
CI Chang, XH Du, JC Huang
Scripta Materialia 57 (3), 209-212, 2007
Relationship between texture and low temperature superplasticity in an extruded AZ31 Mg alloy processed by ECAP
HK Lin, JC Huang, TG Langdon
Materials Science and Engineering: A 402 (1-2), 250-257, 2005
A novel multinary intermetallic as an active electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution
Z Jia, T Yang, L Sun, Y Zhao, W Li, J Luan, F Lyu, LC Zhang, JJ Kruzic, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (21), 2000385, 2020
Ultrahigh-strength and ductile superlattice alloys with nanoscale disordered interfaces
T Yang, YL Zhao, WP Li, CY Yu, JH Luan, DY Lin, L Fan, ZB Jiao, WH Liu, ...
Science 369 (6502), 427-432, 2020
Applying learning analytics for improving students engagement and learning outcomes in an MOOCs enabled collaborative programming course
OHT Lu, JCH Huang, AYQ Huang, SJH Yang
Learning analytics, 78-92, 2018
Grain-boundary strengthening in nanocrystalline chromium and the Hall–Petch coefficient of body-centered cubic metals
D Wu, J Zhang, JC Huang, H Bei, TG Nieh
Scripta Materialia 68 (2), 118-121, 2013
Sample size effect and microcompression of Mg65Cu25Gd10 metallic glass
CJ Lee, JC Huang, TG Nieh
Applied Physics Letters 91 (16), 2007
New criterion of glass forming ability for bulk metallic glasses
XH Du, JC Huang, CT Liu, ZP Lu
Journal of applied physics 101 (8), 2007
Precipitation behaviors in Al-Cu-Mg and 2024 aluminum alloys
HC Shih, NJ Ho, JC Huang
Metallurgical and materials transactions A 27, 2479-2494, 1996
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