Vijander Singh
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Prediction of COVID-19 corona virus pandemic based on time series data using Support Vector Machine
V Singh, RC Poonia, S Kumar, P Dass, P Agarwal, V Bhatnagar, L Raja
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography 23 (8), 1583-1597, 2020
Descriptive analysis of COVID-19 patients in the context of India
V Bhatnagar, RC Poonia, P Nagar, S Kumar, V Singh, L Raja, P Dass
Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics 24 (1), 2020
Analysis and predictions of spread, recovery, and death caused by COVID-19 in India
R Kumari, S Kumar, RC Poonia, V Singh, L Raja, V Bhatnagar, P Agarwal
Big Data Mining and Analytics 4 (2), 65-75, 2021
An enhanced quantum key distribution protocol for security authentication
K Ankit, D Pankaj, S Vijander, R Linesh, P Ramesh, C.
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography 22 (4), 499-507, 2019
An improved quantum key distribution protocol for verification
K Ankit, D Pankaj, S Vijander, P Ramesh, C., R Linesh
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography 22 (4), 491-498, 2019
Prediction of COVID-19 pandemic measuring criteria using support vector machine, prophet and linear regression models in Indian scenario
AK Gupta, V Singh, P Mathur, CM Travieso-Gonzalez
Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 2020
Source Redundancy Management and Host Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
V Singh, RC Poonia, L Raja, G Sharma, N Kumar
Recent Patents on Computer Science 12 (1), 2019
An enhanced energy efficient routing protocol for VANET using special cross over in genetic algorithm
A Kumar, P Dadheech, R Kumari, S Vijander
Journal of Statistics and Management Systems 22 (7), 1349-1364, 2019
Tier application in Multi Cloud Database to improve Security and Service availability (201218-100426)
S Gupta, RC Poonia, V Singh, L Raja
Handbook of Research on Cloud Computing and Big Data Applications in IoT, 2019
Prediction of Software Reliability using Bio Inspired Soft Computing Techniques
D Chandra, P Tomar, RC Poonia, V Singh
Journal of Medical Systems 42 (253), 92-108, 2018
Role of machine learning in the field of Fiber reinforced polymer composites: A preliminary discussion
P Pattnaik, A Sharma, M Choudhary, V Singh, P Agarwal, V Kukshal
Materials Today: Proceedings 44, 4703-4708, 2021
Hybridization of Cuckoo-ACO algorithm for test case prioritization
D Panwar, P Tomar, V Singh
Journal of Statistics and Management Systems 21 (4), 539-546, 2018
Mycobacterium tuberculosis detection using CNN ranking approach
V Singh, MK Gourisaria, GM Harshvardhan, V Singh
Advanced Computational Paradigms and Hybrid Intelligent Computing …, 2021
Real estate cost estimation through data mining techniques
S Khare, MK Gourisaria, GM Harshvardhan, S Joardar, V Singh
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 1099 (1), 012053, 2021
IoT Enabled Technologies in Smart Farming and Challenges for Adoption
R Kumar, D Sinwar, A Pandey, T Tadele, V Singh, G Raghuwanshi
Internet of Things and Analytics for Agriculture, Volume 3, 141-164, 2022
Sustainable Smart-farming framework: smart farming
P Agarwal, V Singh, GL Saini, D Panwar
Smart farming technologies for sustainable agricultural development, 147-173, 2019
QoS aware resource allocation for coexistence mechanisms between eMBB and URLLC: Issues, challenges, and future directions in 5G
R Kumar, D Sinwar, V Singh
Computer Communications, 2023
Data science appositeness in diabetes mellitus diagnosis for healthcare systems of developing nations
MK Gourisaria, G Jee, GM Harshvardhan, V Singh, PK Singh, ...
IET Communications 16 (5), 532-547, 2022
A systematic literature review and comparative study of different software quality models
GL Saini, D Panwar, S Kumar, V Singh
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography 23 (2), 585-593, 2020
A critical review on nature inspired optimization algorithms
V Soni, A Sharma, V Singh
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1099 (1), 012055, 2021
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