Richter Armin
Richter Armin
Senior Scientist, Fraunhofer ISE
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Reassessment of the limiting efficiency for crystalline silicon solar cells
A Richter, M Hermle, SW Glunz
IEEE journal of photovoltaics 3 (4), 1184-1191, 2013
Improved quantitative description of Auger recombination in crystalline silicon
A Richter, SW Glunz, F Werner, J Schmidt, A Cuevas
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (16), 165202, 2012
n-Type Si solar cells with passivating electron contact: Identifying sources for efficiency limitations by wafer thickness and resistivity variation
A Richter, J Benick, F Feldmann, A Fell, M Hermle, SW Glunz
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 173, 96-105, 2017
Design rules for high-efficiency both-sides-contacted silicon solar cells with balanced charge carrier transport and recombination losses
A Richter, R Müller, J Benick, F Feldmann, B Steinhauser, C Reichel, ...
Nature energy 6 (4), 429-438, 2021
The irresistible charm of a simple current flow pattern–25% with a solar cell featuring a full-area back contact
SW Glunz, F Feldmann, A Richter, M Bivour, C Reichel, H Steinkemper, ...
Proceedings of the 31st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and …, 2015
High-efficiency n-type HP mc silicon solar cells
J Benick, A Richter, R Müller, H Hauser, F Feldmann, P Krenckel, S Riepe, ...
IEEE journal of photovoltaics 7 (5), 1171-1175, 2017
Improved parameterization of Auger recombination in silicon
A Richter, F Werner, A Cuevas, J Schmidt, SW Glunz
Energy Procedia 27, 88-94, 2012
Thermal stability of the Al2O3 passivation on p‐type silicon surfaces for solar cell applications
J Benick, A Richter, M Hermle, SW Glunz
physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 3 (7‐8), 233-235, 2009
Excellent silicon surface passivation with 5 Å thin ALD Al2O3 layers: Influence of different thermal post‐deposition treatments
A Richter, J Benick, M Hermle, SW Glunz
physica status solidi (RRL)-Rapid Research Letters 5 (5-6), 202-204, 2011
Reassessment of the intrinsic bulk recombination in crystalline silicon
T Niewelt, B Steinhauser, A Richter, B Veith-Wolf, A Fell, B Hammann, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 235, 111467, 2022
25.1% high‐efficiency monolithic perovskite silicon tandem solar cell with a high bandgap perovskite absorber
PSC Schulze, AJ Bett, M Bivour, P Caprioglio, FM Gerspacher, ...
Solar RRL 4 (7), 2000152, 2020
Boron Emitter Passivation With Al2O3 and Al2O3/SiNx Stacks Using ALD Al2O3
A Richter, J Benick, M Hermle
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 3 (1), 236-245, 2013
Tunnel oxide passivating electron contacts as full‐area rear emitter of high‐efficiency p‐type silicon solar cells
A Richter, J Benick, R Müller, F Feldmann, C Reichel, M Hermle, ...
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 26 (8), 579-586, 2018
Effect of a post-deposition anneal on Al2O3/Si interface properties
J Benick, A Richter, TTA Li, NE Grant, KR McIntosh, Y Ren, KJ Weber, ...
Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2010 35th IEEE, 000891-000896, 2010
High-efficiency n-type silicon solar cells with front side boron emitter
J Benick, B Hoex, G Dingemans, WMM Kessels, A Richter, M Hermle, ...
Proceedings of the 24th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 863-870, 2009
Silicon‐based passivating contacts: the TOPCon route
SW Glunz, B Steinhauser, JI Polzin, C Luderer, B Grübel, T Niewelt, ...
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 31 (4), 341-359, 2023
Analysis of the temperature dependence of the open-circuit voltage
P Löper, D Pysch, A Richter, M Hermle, S Janz, M Zacharias, SW Glunz
Energy Procedia 27, 135-142, 2012
Parameterization of free carrier absorption in highly doped silicon for solar cells
M Rüdiger, J Greulich, A Richter, M Hermle
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 60 (7), 2156-2163, 2013
n-type silicon-enabling efficiencies> 20% in industrial production
SW Glunz, J Benick, D Biro, M Bivour, M Hermle, D Pysch, M Rauer, ...
2010 35th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 000050-000056, 2010
Towards the efficiency limits of multicrystalline silicon solar cells
F Schindler, A Fell, R Müller, J Benick, A Richter, F Feldmann, P Krenckel, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 185, 198-204, 2018
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