Jeff Schimel
Jeff Schimel
Professor of Social Psychology, University of Alberta
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Why do people need self-esteem? A theoretical and empirical review.
T Pyszczynski, J Greenberg, S Solomon, J Arndt, J Schimel
Psychological bulletin 130 (3), 435, 2004
Combating stereotype threat: The effect of self-affirmation on women’s intellectual performance
A Martens, M Johns, J Greenberg, J Schimel
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 42 (2), 236-243, 2006
The Scrooge effect: Evidence that mortality salience increases prosocial attitudes and behavior
E Jonas, J Schimel, J Greenberg, T Pyszczynski
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 28 (10), 1342-1353, 2002
Stereotypes and terror management: evidence that mortality salience enhances stereotypic thinking and preferences.
J Schimel, L Simon, J Greenberg, T Pyszczynski, S Solomon, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 77 (5), 905, 1999
A theoretical and empirical review of the death-thought accessibility concept in terror management research.
J Hayes, J Schimel, J Arndt, EH Faucher
Psychological bulletin 136 (5), 699-739, 2010
Is death really the worm at the core? Converging evidence that worldview threat increases death-thought accessibility.
J Schimel, J Hayes, T Williams, J Jahrig
Journal of personality and social psychology 92 (5), 789, 2007
To belong or not to belong, that is the question: terror management and identification with gender and ethnicity.
J Arndt, J Greenberg, J Schimel, T Pyszczynski, S Solomon
Journal of personality and social psychology 83 (1), 26, 2002
Ageism: Denying the face of the future
J Greenberg, J Schimel, A Martens
Ageism: Stereotyping and prejudice against older persons, 27-48, 2002
Death can be good for your health: fitness intentions as a proximal and distal defense against mortality salience1
J Arndt, J Schimel, JL Goldenberg
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 33 (8), 1726-1746, 2003
Being accepted for who we are: Evidence that social validation of the intrinsic self reduces general defensiveness.
J Schimel, J Arndt, T Pyszczynski, J Greenberg
Journal of personality and social psychology 80 (1), 35, 2001
Terror management and the vicissitudes of sports fan affiliation: The effects of mortality salience on optimism and fan identification
M Dechesne, J Greenberg, J Arndt, J Schimel
European Journal of Social Psychology 30 (6), 813-835, 2000
Ageism and death: Effects of mortality salience and perceived similarity to elders on reactions to elderly people
A Martens, J Greenberg, J Schimel, MJ Landau
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 30 (12), 1524-1536, 2004
Terror mismanagement: Evidence that mortality salience exacerbates phobic and compulsive behaviors
E Strachan, J Schimel, J Arndt, T Williams, S Solomon, T Pyszczynski, ...
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 33 (8), 1137-1151, 2007
Not all self-affirmations were created equal: The cognitive and social benefits of affirming the intrinsic (vs. extrinsic) self
J Schimel, J Arndt, KM Banko, A Cook
Social Cognition 22 (1: Special issue), 75-99, 2004
Creativity and terror management: Evidence that creative activity increases guilt and social projection following mortality salience.
J Arndt, J Greenberg, S Solomon, T Pyszczynski, J Schimel
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 77 (1), 19, 1999
Sympathy for the devil: Evidence that reminding Whites of their mortality promotes more favorable reactions to White racists
J Greenberg, J Schimel, A Martens, S Solomon, T Pyszcznyski
Motivation and Emotion 25 (2), 113-133, 2001
The intrinsic self and defensiveness: Evidence that activating the intrinsic self reduces self-handicapping and conformity
J Arndt, J Schimel, J Greenberg, T Pyszczynski
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 28 (5), 671-683, 2002
Evidence for the DTA hypothesis II: Threatening self-esteem increases death-thought accessibility
J Hayes, J Schimel, EH Faucher, TJ Williams
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 44 (3), 600-613, 2008
Clarifying the function of mortality salience-induced worldview defense: Renewed suppression or reduced accessibility of death-related thoughts?
J Greenberg, J Arndt, J Schimel, T Pyszczynski, S Solomon
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 37 (1), 70-76, 2001
Fighting Death With Death The Buffering Effects of Learning That Worldview Violators Have Died
J Hayes, J Schimel, TJ Williams
Psychological Science 19 (5), 501-507, 2008
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