Daniel Dolan
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Lawson criterion for ignition exceeded in an inertial fusion experiment
H Abu-Shawareb, R Acree, P Adams, J Adams, B Addis, R Aden, P Adrian, ...
Physical review letters 129 (7), 075001, 2022
Accuracy limits and window corrections for photon Doppler velocimetry
BJ Jensen, DB Holtkamp, PA Rigg, DH Dolan
Journal of applied physics 101 (1), 2007
Shock-wave exploration of the high-pressure phases of carbon
MD Knudson, MP Desjarlais, DH Dolan
Science 322 (5909), 1822-1825, 2008
Review of pulsed power-driven high energy density physics research on Z at Sandia
DB Sinars, MA Sweeney, CS Alexander, DJ Ampleford, T Ao, ...
Physics of Plasmas 27 (7), 2020
Accuracy and precision in photonic Doppler velocimetry
DH Dolan
Review of Scientific Instruments 81 (5), 2010
Achievement of target gain larger than unity in an inertial fusion experiment
H Abu-Shawareb, R Acree, P Adams, J Adams, B Addis, R Aden, P Adrian, ...
Physical review letters 132 (6), 065102, 2024
Extreme measurements with photonic Doppler velocimetry (PDV)
DH Dolan
Review of Scientific Instruments 91 (5), 2020
A metastable limit for compressed liquid water
DH Dolan, MD Knudson, CA Hall, C Deeney
Nature Physics 3 (5), 339-342, 2007
Foundations of VISAR analysis.
DH Dolan
Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), Albuquerque, NM, and Livermore, CA …, 2006
Flow strength of tantalum under ramp compression to 250 GPa
JL Brown, CS Alexander, JR Asay, TJ Vogler, DH Dolan, JL Belof
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (4), 2014
Shock response and phase transitions of MgO at planetary impact conditions
S Root, L Shulenburger, RW Lemke, DH Dolan, TR Mattsson, ...
Physical Review Letters 115 (19), 198501, 2015
Nanosecond freezing of water under multiple shock wave compression: Optical transmission and imaging measurements
DH Dolan, YM Gupta
The Journal of chemical physics 121 (18), 9050-9057, 2004
Solid liner implosions on Z for producing multi-megabar, shockless compressions
MR Martin, RW Lemke, RD McBride, JP Davis, DH Dolan, MD Knudson, ...
Physics of Plasmas 19 (5), 2012
Compression freezing kinetics of water to ice VII
AE Gleason, CA Bolme, E Galtier, HJ Lee, E Granados, DH Dolan, ...
Physical review letters 119 (2), 025701, 2017
Probing off-Hugoniot states in Ta, Cu, and Al to 1000 GPa compression with magnetically driven liner implosions
RW Lemke, DH Dolan, DG Dalton, JL Brown, K Tomlinson, GR Robertson, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 119 (1), 2016
Nanosecond freezing of water under multiple shock wave compression: Continuum modeling and wave profile measurements
DH Dolan, JN Johnson, YM Gupta
The Journal of chemical physics 123 (6), 2005
Time-dependent freezing of water under dynamic compression
DH Dolan, YM Gupta
Chemical Physics Letters 374 (5-6), 608-612, 2003
Push-pull analysis of photonic Doppler velocimetry measurements
DH Dolan, SC Jones
Review of Scientific Instruments 78 (7), 2007
Tracking an imploding cylinder with photonic Doppler velocimetry
DH Dolan, RW Lemke, RD McBride, MR Martin, E Harding, DG Dalton, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 84 (5), 2013
SIRHEN: A data reduction program for photonic Doppler velocimetry measurements
T Ao, DH Dolan
Sandia National Laboratories Report, 2010
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