Sami Khuri
Sami Khuri
Email yang diverifikasi di sjsu.edu - Beranda
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The zero/one multiple knapsack problem and genetic algorithms
S Khuri, T Bäck, J Heitkötter
Proceedings of the 1994 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 188-193, 1994
An Evolutionary Approach to Combinatorial Optimization Problems.
S Khuri, T Bäck, J Heitkötter
ACM Conference on Computer Science, 66-73, 1994
An evolutionary heuristic for the maximum independent set problem
T Back, S Khuri
Proceedings of the first IEEE conference on evolutionary computation. IEEE …, 1994
An evolutionary heuristic for the minimum vertex cover problem
S Khuri, T Bäck
Genetic Algorithms within the Framework of Evolutionary Computation–Proc. of …, 1994
Heuristic algorithms for the terminal assignment problem
S Khuri, T Chiu
Proceedings of the 1997 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 247-251, 1997
An overview of visualization: its use and design: report of the working group in visualization
J Bergin, K Brodie, M Patino-Martinez, M McNally, T Naps, S Rodger, ...
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 28 (SI), 192-200, 1996
A Comparison of DNA Fragment Assembly Algorithms.
L Li, S Khuri
METMBS 4, 329-335, 2004
A comparative study of a penalty function, a repair heuristic, and stochastic operators with the set-covering problem
T Bäck, M Schütz, S Khuri
European conference on Artificial Evolution, 320-332, 1995
C. elegans avoids toxin-producing Streptomyces using a seven transmembrane domain chemosensory receptor
A Tran, A Tang, CT O'Loughlin, A Balistreri, E Chang, D Coto Villa, J Li, ...
Elife 6, e23770, 2017
Genetic algorithms for solving open shop scheduling problems
S Khuri, SR Miryala
Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 357-368, 1999
Evolutionary heuristics for the bin packing problem
DW Pearson, NC Steele, RF Albrecht, S Khuri, M Schütz, J Heitkötter
Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms: Proceedings of the …, 1995
Adding breadth to CS1 and CS2 courses through visual and interactive programming projects
R Jimenez-Peris, S Khuri, M Patino-Martinez
The proceedings of the thirtieth SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer …, 1999
Designing effective algorithm visualizations
S Khuri
First International Program Visualization Workshop, Porvoo, Finland …, 2001
Animating parsing algorithms
S Khuri, Y Sugono
Proceedings of the twenty-ninth SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer …, 1998
Interactive packages for learning image compression algorithms
S Khuri, HC Hsu
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 32 (3), 73-76, 2000
Evega: an educational visulalization environment for graph algorithms
S Khuri, K Holzapfel
Proceedings of the 6th annual conference on Innovation and technology in …, 2001
Visualizing the CPU scheduler and page replacement algorithms
S Khuri, HC Hsu
The proceedings of the thirtieth SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer …, 1999
Applying evolutionary algorithms to combinatorial optimization problems
EA Torres, S Khuri
International Conference on Computational Science, 689-698, 2001
A grouping genetic algorithm for coloring the edges of graphs
S Khuri, T Walters, Y Sugono
Proceedings of the 2000 ACM symposium on Applied computing-Volume 1, 422-427, 2000
A user-centered approach for designing algorithm visualizations
S Khuri
Informatik/Informatique, Special Issue on Visualization of Software 2 (2), 12-16, 2001
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