Laurent Karim Béland
Laurent Karim Béland
Associate Professor, Queen's University
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Influence of chemical disorder on energy dissipation and defect evolution in concentrated solid solution alloys
Y Zhang, GM Stocks, K Jin, C Lu, H Bei, BC Sales, L Wang, LK Béland, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 8736, 2015
Direct observation of defect range and evolution in ion-irradiated single crystalline Ni and Ni binary alloys
C Lu, K Jin, LK Béland, F Zhang, T Yang, L Qiao, Y Zhang, H Bei, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 19994, 2016
Kinetic activation-relaxation technique
LK Béland, P Brommer, F El-Mellouhi, JF Joly, N Mousseau
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (4 …, 2011
Influence of chemical disorder on energy dissipation and defect evolution in advanced alloys
Y Zhang, K Jin, H Xue, C Lu, RJ Olsen, LK Beland, MW Ullah, S Zhao, ...
Journal of Materials Research 31 (16), 2363-2375, 2016
On the existence and origin of sluggish diffusion in chemically disordered concentrated alloys
YN Osetsky, LK Béland, AV Barashev, Y Zhang
Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 22 (3), 65-74, 2018
The Activation‐Relaxation Technique: ART Nouveau and Kinetic ART
N Mousseau, LK Béland, P Brommer, JF Joly, F El-Mellouhi, ...
Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics 2012 (1), 925278, 2012
Optimized energy landscape exploration using the ab initio based activation-relaxation technique
E Machado-Charry, LK Béland, D Caliste, L Genovese, T Deutsch, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 135 (3), 2011
Lattice thermal conductivity of multi-component alloys
M Caro, LK Béland, GD Samolyuk, RE Stoller, A Caro
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 648, 408-413, 2015
Specific features of defect and mass transport in concentrated fcc alloys
YN Osetsky, LK Béland, RE Stoller
Acta Materialia 115, 364-371, 2016
Features of primary damage by high energy displacement cascades in concentrated Ni-based alloys
LK Béland, C Lu, YN Osetskiy, GD Samolyuk, A Caro, L Wang, RE Stoller
Journal of Applied Physics 119 (8), 2016
Impact of short-range forces on defect production from high-energy collisions
RE Stoller, A Tamm, LK Béland, GD Samolyuk, GM Stocks, A Caro, ...
Journal of chemical theory and computation 12 (6), 2871-2879, 2016
Numerical study of the thermal ablation of wet solids by ultrashort laser pulses
D Perez, LK Béland, D Deryng, LJ Lewis, M Meunier
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (1), 014108, 2008
Accurate classical short-range forces for the study of collision cascades in Fe–Ni–Cr
LK Béland, A Tamm, S Mu, GD Samolyuk, YN Osetsky, A Aabloo, ...
Computer Physics Communications 219, 11-19, 2017
Electron–phonon coupling in Ni-based binary alloys with application to displacement cascade modeling
GD Samolyuk, LK Béland, GM Stocks, RE Stoller
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28 (17), 175501, 2016
Following atomistic kinetics on experimental timescales with the kinetic Activation–Relaxation Technique
N Mousseau, LK Béland, P Brommer, F El-Mellouhi, JF Joly, ...
Computational Materials Science 100, 111-123, 2015
Understanding long-time vacancy aggregation in iron: A kinetic activation-relaxation technique study
P Brommer, LK Béland, JF Joly, N Mousseau
Physical Review B 90 (13), 134109, 2014
Tunable chemical complexity to control atomic diffusion in alloys
Y Osetsky, AV Barashev, LK Béland, Z Yao, K Ferasat, Y Zhang
npj Computational Materials 6 (1), 38, 2020
Diffusion of point defects in crystalline silicon using the kinetic activation-relaxation technique method
M Trochet, LK Béland, JF Joly, P Brommer, N Mousseau
Physical Review B 91 (22), 224106, 2015
Replenish and Relax: Explaining Logarithmic Annealing in Ion-Implanted -Si
LK Béland, Y Anahory, D Smeets, M Guihard, P Brommer, JF Joly, ...
Physical review letters 111 (10), 105502, 2013
Contribution of vacancies to relaxation in amorphous materials: A kinetic activation-relaxation technique study
JF Joly, LK Béland, P Brommer, N Mousseau
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (14), 144204, 2013
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