Oana Cazacu
Oana Cazacu
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Email yang diverifikasi di reef.ufl.edu - Beranda
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Orthotropic yield criterion for hexagonal closed packed metals
O Cazacu, B Plunkett, F Barlat
International Journal of Plasticity 22 (7), 1171-1194, 2006
A criterion for description of anisotropy and yield differential effects in pressure-insensitive metals
O Cazacu, F Barlat
International Journal of Plasticity 20 (11), 2027-2045, 2004
Generalization of Drucker's yield criterion to orthotropy
O Cazacu, F Barlat
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 6 (6), 613-630, 2001
Orthotropic yield criteria for description of the anisotropy in tension and compression of sheet metals
B Plunkett, O Cazacu, F Barlat
International Journal of Plasticity 24 (5), 847-866, 2008
Anisotropic response of high-purity α-titanium: Experimental characterization and constitutive modeling
ME Nixon, O Cazacu, RA Lebensohn
International Journal of Plasticity 26 (4), 516-532, 2010
Advances in anisotropy and formability
D Banabic, F Barlat, O Cazacu, T Kuwabara
International journal of material forming 3, 165-189, 2010
On linear transformations of stress tensors for the description of plastic anisotropy
F Barlat, JW Yoon, O Cazacu
International Journal of Plasticity 23 (5), 876-896, 2007
Macroscopic yield criteria for plastic anisotropic materials containing spheroidal voids
V Monchiet, O Cazacu, E Charkaluk, D Kondo
International Journal of Plasticity 24 (7), 1158-1189, 2008
Anisotropic yield function of hexagonal materials taking into account texture development and anisotropic hardening
B Plunkett, RA Lebensohn, O Cazacu, F Barlat
Acta Materialia 54 (16), 4159-4169, 2006
Application of the theory of representation to describe yielding of anisotropic aluminum alloys
O Cazacu, F Barlat
International Journal of Engineering Science 41 (12), 1367-1385, 2003
On the use of homogeneous polynomials to develop anisotropic yield functions with applications to sheet forming
S Soare, JW Yoon, O Cazacu
International Journal of Plasticity 24 (6), 915-944, 2008
Modeling bending of α-titanium with embedded polycrystal plasticity in implicit finite elements
M Knezevic, RA Lebensohn, O Cazacu, B Revil-Baudard, G Proust, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 564, 116-126, 2013
Elastic-viscoplastic anisotropic modeling of textured metals and validation using the Taylor cylinder impact test
B Plunkett, O Cazacu, RA Lebensohn, F Barlat
International Journal of Plasticity 23 (6), 1001-1021, 2007
Advances in anisotropy of plastic behaviour and formability of sheet metals
D Banabic, F Barlat, O Cazacu, T Kuwabara
International Journal of Material Forming 13, 749-787, 2020
Experimental characterization and elasto-plastic modeling of the quasi-static mechanical response of TA-6 V at room temperature
G Gilles, W Hammami, V Libertiaux, O Cazacu, JH Yoon, T Kuwabara, ...
International Journal of Solids and Structures 48 (9), 1277-1289, 2011
Earing predictions for strongly textured aluminum sheets
JH Yoon, O Cazacu, JW Yoon, RE Dick
International journal of mechanical sciences 52 (12), 1563-1578, 2010
Analytic plastic potential for porous aggregates with matrix exhibiting tension–compression asymmetry
O Cazacu, JB Stewart
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 57 (2), 325-341, 2009
New yield criteria for isotropic and textured metallic materials
O Cazacu
International Journal of Solids and Structures 139, 200-210, 2018
Orthotropic strain rate potential for the description of anisotropy in tension and compression of metals
O Cazacu, IR Ionescu, JW Yoon
International journal of plasticity 26 (6), 887-904, 2010
Constitutive modeling of AZ31 sheet alloy with application to axial crushing
J Yoon, O Cazacu, RK Mishra
Materials Science and Engineering: A 565, 203-212, 2013
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