Stream sediment geochemical data analysis for district-scale mineral exploration targeting: Measuring the performance of the spatial U-statistic and CA fractal modeling S Ghasemzadeh, A Maghsoudi, M Yousefi, MJ Mihalasky Ore Geology Reviews 113, 103115, 2019 | 63 | 2019 |
Delineation of podiform-type chromite mineralization using geochemical mineralization prospectivity index and staged factor analysis in Balvard area (SE Iran) P Afzal, M Yusefi, M Mirzaie, E Ghadiri-Sufi, S Ghasemzadeh, ... Journal of Mining and Environment 10 (3), 705-715, 2019 | 63 | 2019 |
Information value-based geochemical anomaly modeling: A statistical index to generate enhanced geochemical signatures for mineral exploration targeting S Ghasemzadeh, A Maghsoudi, M Yousefi, MJ Mihalasky Applied Geochemistry 136, 105177, 2022 | 28 | 2022 |
Recognition and incorporation of mineralization-efficient fault systems to produce a strengthened anisotropic geochemical singularity S Ghasemzadeh, A Maghsoudi, M Yousefi, MJ Mihalasky Journal of Geochemical Exploration 235, 106967, 2022 | 19 | 2022 |
Identifying porphyry-Cu geochemical footprints using local neighborhood statistics in Baft area, Iran S Ghasemzadeh, A Maghsoudi, M Yousefi Frontiers of Earth Science 15, 106-120, 2021 | 12 | 2021 |
Application of geometric average approach for Cu-porphyry prospectivity mapping in the Baft area, kerman S Ghasemzadeh, A Maghsoudi, M Yousefi Scientific Quarterly Journal of Geosciences 29 (113), 231-130, 2019 | 9 | 2019 |
Seminonlinear spectral unmixing using a neural network-based forward modeling S Karimpouli, A Salimi, S Ghasemzadeh Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 10 (3), 036006-036006, 2016 | 7 | 2016 |
Spatially weighted singularity mapping in conjunction with random forest algorithm for mineral prospectivity modeling S Ghasemzadeh, A Maghsoudi, M Yousefi, O Kreuzer International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering 57 (4), 455-460, 2023 | 6 | 2023 |
Delineation of podiform-type chromite mineralization using geochemical mineralization prospectivity index and staged factor analysis in Balvard area (SE Iran) M Yousefi, M Mirzaei, SE Ghadiri, S Ghasemzadeh, SL Daneshvar JOURNAL OF MINING AND ENVIRONMENTAL (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MINING …, 2019 | | 2019 |