Amin Moazami
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Dikutip oleh
Impacts of future weather data typology on building energy performance–Investigating long-term patterns of climate change and extreme weather conditions
A Moazami, VM Nik, S Carlucci, S Geving
Applied Energy 238, 696-720, 2019
A performance comparison of Multi-Objective Optimization-based approaches for calibrating white-box Building Energy Models.
S Martínez, P Eguía, E Granada, A Moazami, M Hamdy
Energy and Buildings, 109942, 2020
Energy retrofit for a climate resilient child care centre
L Pagliano, S Carlucci, F Causone, A Moazami, G Cattarin
Energy and Buildings 127, 1117-1132, 2016
Towards climate robust buildings: An innovative method for designing buildings with robust energy performance under climate change
A Moazami, S Carlucci, VM Nik, S Geving
Energy and Buildings 202, Article number: 109378, 2019
Critical analysis of software tools aimed at generating future weather files with a view to their use in building performance simulation
A Moazami, S Carlucci, S Geving
Energy Procedia 132, 640-645, 2017
Using collective intelligence to enhance demand flexibility and climate resilience in urban areas
VM Nik, A Moazami
Applied Energy 281, 116106, 2021
On the impact of stochastic modeling of occupant behavior on the energy use of office buildings
S Carlucci, F Causone, S Biandrate, M Ferrando, A Moazami, S Erba
Energy and Buildings 246, 111049, 2021
Assessing the impact of employing machine learning-based baseline load prediction pipelines with sliding-window training scheme on offered flexibility estimation for different …
IAC Avendano, FD Javan, B Najafi, A Moazami, F Rinaldi
Energy and Buildings 294, 113217, 2023
Digital twins: shaping the future of energy systems and smart cities through cybersecurity, efficiency, and sustainability
U Cali, BD Dimd, P Hajialigol, A Moazami, SNG Gourisetti, G Lobaccaro, ...
2023 International Conference on Future Energy Solutions (FES), 1-6, 2023
Robust and resilient buildings: A framework for defining the protection against climate uncertainty
A Moazami, S Carlucci, S Geving
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 609 (7), 072068, 2019
Retrofit of a kindergarten targeting zero energy balance
F Causone, S Carlucci, A Moazami, G Cattarin, L Pagliano
Energy Procedia 78, 991-996, 2015
Improving climate resilience and thermal comfort in a complex building through enhanced flexibility of the energy system
S Hosseini, P Hajialigol, M Aghaei, S Erba, V Nik, A Moazami
2022 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST …, 2022
Energy retrofit of a day care center for current and future weather scenarios
A Moazami, S Carlucci, F Causone, L Pagliano
Procedia Engineering 145, 1330-1337, 2016
Machine-learning-based prediction of hvac-driven load flexibility in warehouses
F Dadras Javan, IA Campodonico Avendano, B Najafi, A Moazami, ...
Energies 16 (14), 5407, 2023
Economic and emission analysis of running emergency generators in the presence of demand response programs
A Nafisi, R Arababadi, A Moazami, K Mahapatra
Energy 255, 124529, 2022
Solar Energy in the Built Environment
M Manni, M Aghaei, AMM Sizkouhi, RRR Kumar, R Stølen, ...
Elsevier, 2023
Predicting HVAC-Based Demand Flexibility In Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings Utilizing Deep Neural Networks.
IAC Avendano, A Moazami, FD Javan, B Najafi
ECMS, 148-154, 2023
A novel framework for assessing the smartness and the smart readiness level in highly electrified non-residential buildings: A Norwegian case study
IAC Avendano, KH Andersen, S Erba, A Moazami, M Aghaei, B Najafi
Energy and Buildings 314, 114234, 2024
Machine learning-based estimation of buildings' characteristics employing electrical and chilled water consumption data: Pipeline optimization
F Raymand, B Najafi, AH Mamaghani, A Moazami, F Rinaldi
Energy and Buildings 295, 113327, 2023
S. Carluccia và S. Gevinga,“Impacts of future weather data typology on building energy performance–Investigating long-term partterns of climate change and extreme weather …
A Moazami, VM Nikb
Applied Energy, tập 238, 696-720, 2019
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