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271 1997 The influence of packing densities and surface order on the frictional properties of alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on gold: a comparison of SAMs derived from … S Lee, YS Shon, R Colorado, RL Guenard, TR Lee, SS Perry
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206 2000 Molecularly specific studies of the frictional properties of monolayer films: a systematic comparison of CF3-,(CH3) 2CH-, and CH3-terminated films HI Kim, M Graupe, O Oloba, T Koini, S Imaduddin, TR Lee, SS Perry
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114 2007 Transition from thermal to athermal friction under cryogenic conditions X Zhao, SR Phillpot, WG Sawyer, SB Sinnott, SS Perry
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111 2009 Electrical conductivity relaxation studies of an epitaxial La0. 5Sr0. 5CoO3− δ thin film X Chen, S Wang, YL Yang, L Smith, NJ Wu, BI Kim, SS Perry, ...
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108 2002 Tribological Properties of Poly(l -lysine)-graft -poly(ethylene glycol) Films: Influence of Polymer Architecture and Adsorbed Conformation SS Perry, X Yan, FT Limpoco, S Lee, M Müller, ND Spencer
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102 2005 The Role of Water in Modifying Friction within MoS2 Sliding Interfaces X Zhao, SS Perry
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