Chuanbin Li
Chuanbin Li
Department of Mathematics, The Penn State University
Email yang diverifikasi di psu.edu
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Dikutip oleh
Flagellar swimming in viscoelastic fluids: role of fluid elastic stress revealed by simulations based on experimental data
C Li, B Qin, A Gopinath, PE Arratia, B Thomases, RD Guy
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 14 (135), 20170289, 2017
Orientation dependent elastic stress concentration at tips of slender objects translating in viscoelastic fluids
C Li, B Thomases, RD Guy
Physical Review Fluids 4 (3), 031301, 2019
A Numerical Study on Flagellar Swimming in Viscoelastic Fluids Based on Experimental Data
C Li
University of California, Davis, 2017
A numerical study of the effects of fluid rheology and stroke kinematics on flagellar swimming in complex fluids
C Li, R Guy, B Thomases
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, R21. 008, 2016
A numerical investigation into the effects of fluid rheology and stroke kinematics on swimming alga cells in complex fluids
C Li, R Guy, B Thomases
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, L26. 001, 2015
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