Gaby Odekerken
Gaby Odekerken
Email yang diverifikasi di maastrichtuniversity.nl - Beranda
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Using PLS path modeling for assessing hierarchical construct models: Guidelines and empirical illustration
M Wetzels, G Odekerken-Schröder, C Van Oppen
MIS quarterly, 177-195, 2009
Investments in consumer relationships: A cross-country and cross-industry exploration
K De Wulf, G Odekerken-Schröder, D Iacobucci
Journal of marketing 65 (4), 33-50, 2001
Store satisfaction and store loyalty explained by customer-and store related factors
JMM Bloemer, GJ Odekerken-Schröder
Strengthening outcomes of retailer–consumer relationships: The dual impact of relationship marketing tactics and consumer personality
G Odekerken-Schröder, K De Wulf, P Schumacher
Journal of business research 56 (3), 177-190, 2003
The effect of strategic and tactical cause‐related marketing on consumers' brand loyalty
D Van den Brink, G Odekerken‐Schröder, P Pauwels
Journal of consumer marketing 23 (1), 15-25, 2006
Consumer perceptions of store brands versus national brands
K De Wulf, G Odekerken‐Schröder, F Goedertier, G Van Ossel
Journal of Consumer marketing 22 (4), 223-232, 2005
Service robots: value co-creation and co-destruction in elderly care networks
M Čaić, G Odekerken-Schröder, D Mahr
Journal of Service Management 29 (2), 178-205, 2018
Assessing the impact of a retailer's relationship efforts on consumers’ attitudes and behavior
K De Wulf, G Odekerken-Schröder
Journal of Retailing and Consumer services 10 (2), 95-108, 2003
Who's who in brand communities–and why?
H Ouwersloot, G Odekerken‐Schröder
European journal of marketing 42 (5/6), 571-585, 2008
A cultural models approach to service recovery
T Ringberg, G Odekerken-Schröder, GL Christensen
Journal of Marketing 71 (3), 194-214, 2007
Value of social robots in services: social cognition perspective
M Čaić, D Mahr, G Oderkerken-Schröder
Journal of Services Marketing 33 (4), 463-478, 2019
Co-creating services—conceptual clarification, forms and outcomes
AS Oertzen, G Odekerken-Schröder, SA Brax, B Mager
Journal of Service Management 29 (4), 641-679, 2018
Mitigating loneliness with companion robots in the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: an integrative framework and research agenda
G Odekerken-Schröder, C Mele, T Russo-Spena, D Mahr, A Ruggiero
Journal of Service Management 31 (6), 1149-1162, 2020
The role of employee relationship proneness in creating employee loyalty
J Bloemer, G Odekerken‐Schröder
International Journal of Bank Marketing 24 (4), 252-264, 2006
Uncovering collaborative value creation patterns and establishing corresponding customer roles
S Moeller, R Ciuchita, D Mahr, G Odekerken-Schröder, M Fassnacht
Journal of service research 16 (4), 471-487, 2013
The effect of customer card programs: A comparative study in Singapore and The Netherlands
C Noordhoff, P Pauwels, G Odekerken‐Schröder
International Journal of Service Industry Management 15 (4), 351-364, 2004
The impact of need for social affiliation and consumer relationship proneness on behavioural intentions: An empirical study in a hairdresser's context
J Bloemer, G Odekerken-Schröder, L Kestens
Journal of retailing and consumer services 10 (4), 231-240, 2003
Investments in consumer relationships: A critical reassessment and model extension
K De Wulf, G Odekerken-Schröder, P Van Kenhove
The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 13 (3 …, 2003
Exploring antecedents of service innovation performance in manufacturing SMEs
K Mennens, A Van Gils, G Odekerken-Schröder, W Letterie
International Small Business Journal 36 (5), 500-520, 2018
What drives consumer participation to loyalty programs? A conjoint analytical approach
KD Wulf, G Odekerken-Schröder, MH Canniére, C Van Oppen
Journal of Relationship Marketing 2 (1-2), 69-83, 2003
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