Francesco Santini
Francesco Santini
Dipartimento Matematica e Informatica, Perugia
Email yang diverifikasi di dmi.unipg.it - Beranda
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Conarg: A constraint-based computational framework for argumentation systems
S Bistarelli, F Santini
2011 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 2011
A common computational framework for semiring-based argumentation systems
S Bistarelli, F Santini
ECAI 2010, 131-136, 2010
Go with the-bitcoin-flow, with visual analytics
S Bistarelli, F Santini
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Availability …, 2017
An asymmetric fingerprint matching algorithm for Java Card TM
S Bistarelli, F Santini, A Vaccarelli
Pattern analysis and applications 9, 359-376, 2006
A novel weighted defence and its relaxation in abstract argumentation
S Bistarelli, F Rossi, F Santini
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 92, 66-86, 2018
Automatic code generation for the orchestration of web services with Reo
SSTQ Jongmans, F Santini, M Sargolzaei, F Arbab, H Afsarmanesh
Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing: First European Conference, ESOCC 2012 …, 2012
Modeling and solving afs with a constraint-based tool: Conarg
S Bistarelli, F Santini
International Workshop on Theorie and Applications of Formal Argumentation …, 2011
Visualizing Bitcoin Flows of Ransomware: WannaCry One Week Later.
S Bistarelli, M Parroccini, F Santini
ITASEC, 2018
An analysis of non-standard bitcoin transactions
S Bistarelli, I Mercanti, F Santini
2018 Crypto Valley Conference on Blockchain Technology (CVCBT), 93-96, 2018
End-to-end voting with non-permissioned and permissioned ledgers
S Bistarelli, I Mercanti, P Santancini, F Santini
Journal of grid computing 17, 97-118, 2019
Combining recommender and reputation systems to produce better online advice
A Jøsang, G Guo, MS Pini, F Santini, Y Xu
International conference on modeling decisions for artificial intelligence …, 2013
A nonmonotonic soft concurrent constraint language for sla negotiation
S Bistarelli, F Santini
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 236, 147-162, 2009
An analysis of non-standard transactions
S Bistarelli, I Mercanti, F Santini
Frontiers in Blockchain 2, 7, 2019
Partially-distributed coordination with Reo
SSTQ Jongmans, F Santini, F Arbab
2014 22nd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and …, 2014
Evaluation of complex security scenarios using defense trees and economic indexes
S Bistarelli, F Fioravanti, P Peretti, F Santini
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 24 (2), 161-192, 2012
Conarg: A tool for classical and weighted argumentation
S Bistarelli, F Rossi, F Santini
Computational Models of Argument, 463-464, 2016
Orchestrating web services using Reo: from circuits and behaviors to automatically generated code
SSTQ Jongmans, F Santini, M Sargolzaei, F Arbab, H Afsarmanesh
Service Oriented Computing and Applications 8, 277-297, 2014
Benchmarking hard problems in random abstract AFs: The stable semantics
S Bistarelli, F Rossi, F Santini
Computational Models of Argument, 153-160, 2014
A formal framework for trust policy negotiation in autonomic systems: Abduction with soft constraints
S Bistarelli, F Martinelli, F Santini
International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing, 268-282, 2010
Weighted datalog and levels of trust
S Bistarelli, F Martinelli, F Santini
2008 Third International Conference on Availability, Reliability and …, 2008
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