Stephen Pettigrew
Stephen Pettigrew
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Comment on “Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science”
D Gilbert, G King, S Pettigrew, T Wilson
Science 351 (6277), 1037, 2016
The racial gap in wait times: Why minority precincts are underserved by local election officials
S Pettigrew
Political Science Quarterly 132 (3), 527-547, 2017
The downstream consequences of long waits: How lines at the precinct depress future turnout
S Pettigrew
Electoral studies 71, 102188, 2021
Assessing the offensive productivity of NHL players using in-game win probabilities
S Pettigrew
9th annual MIT sloan sports analytics conference 2 (3), 8, 2015
Trumped by Trump? Public support for mail voting in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
JD Clinton, J Lapinski, S Lentz, S Pettigrew
Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy 21 (1), 19-33, 2022
Hosting the Olympic Games: an overstated advantage in sports history
S Pettigrew, D Reiche
The international journal of the history of sport 33 (6-7), 635-647, 2016
Strategic politicians, partisan roll calls, and the Tea Party: Evaluating the 2010 midterm elections
JL Carson, S Pettigrew
Electoral Studies 32 (1), 26-36, 2013
Moved out, moved on: Assessing the effectiveness of voter registration list maintenance
S Pettigrew, C Stewart III
MIT Political Science Department Research Paper, 2024
US house primary election results (1956-2010)
S Pettigrew, K Owen, E Wanless
Harvard Dataverse, v4. https://doi. org/10.7910/DVN/26448, 2014
A Response to the Reply to our Technical Comment on “estimating the Reproducibility of Psychological Science”
DT Gilbert, G King, S Pettigrew, TD Wilson
Harvard University, 2016
More on “Estimating the Reproducibility of Psychological Science.”
DT Gilbert, G King, S Pettigrew, TD Wilson
Available at projects. iq. harvard. edu/files/psychology-replications/files …, 2016
Abstention, protest, and residual votes in the 2016 election
C Stewart III, RM Alvarez, SS Pettigrew, C Wimpy
Social Science Quarterly 101 (2), 925-939, 2020
November 2016 general election results (county-level)
S Pettigrew
Harvard Dataverse. http://dx. doi. org/10.7910/DVN/MLLQDH, 2016
Cumulative CCES Common Content (2006-2012)
S Ansolabehere, S Pettigrew
Retrieved April from, https://doi. org/10.7910/DVN/26451, Harvard Dataverse …, 2014
Protecting the perilous path of election returns: From the precinct to the news
S Pettigrew, C Stewart
Ohio St. Tech. LJ 16, 587, 2020
Improving the Voting Experience
JC Fortier, C Stewart III, S Pettigrew, W Matthew, T Harper
Washington, DC: Bipartisan Policy Center, 2018
Trumped by Trump
JD Clinton, JS Lapinski, S Lentz, S Pettigrew
Public Support for Vote By Mail Voting in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic …, 2020
Ballot Marking Errors in Ranked-Choice Voting
S Pettigrew, D Radley
Available at SSRN 4670677, 2023
How the West will be won: using Monte Carlo simulations to estimate the effects of NHL realignment
S Pettigrew
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports 10 (3), 345-355, 2014
The Electoral Value of Seniority: Does Incumbent Tenure Affect the Attitudes of Voters?
S Ansolabehere, S Pettigrew
Midwest Political Science Association Meetings, Chicago, 2013
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