Teddy Charles Adias,
Teddy Charles Adias,
Nama lainnyaTeddy Charles, AT Charles, Adias Teddy Charles
Professor of Haematology/ Blood Transfusion Federal University Otuoke
Email yang diverifikasi di fuotuoke.edu.ng - Beranda
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The challenges of meeting the blood transfusion requirements in Sub-Saharan Africa: the need for the development of alternatives to allogenic blood
E Osaro, AT Charles
Journal of blood medicine, 7-21, 2011
Abnormal hemoglobin variants, ABO, and Rhesus blood group distribution among students in the Niger Delta of Nigeria
O Erhabor, TC Adias, ZA Jeremiah, ML Hart
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine International, 41-46, 2010
Storage related haematological and biochemical changes of CPDA-1 whole blood in a resource limited setting
TC Adias, B Moore-Igwe, ZA Jeremiah
J Blood Disord Transfus 3 (3), 124, 2012
Frequencies of maternal red blood cell alloantibodies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria
ZA Jeremiah, A Mordi, FI Buseri, TC Adias
Asian Journal of Transfusion Science 5 (1), 39-41, 2011
Some haematological parameters in patients with type-1 diabetes in Sokoto, North Western Nigeria
EK Uko, O Erhabor, IZ Isaac, Y Abdulrahaman, TC Adias, Y Sani, ...
J Blood Lymph 3 (110), 2165-7831, 2013
Rh isoimmunization in Sub-Saharan Africa indicates need for universal access to anti-RhD immunoglobulin and effective management of D-negative pregnancies
E Osaro, AT Charles
International journal of women's health, 429-437, 2010
Elevation in D-dimer concentrations is positively correlated with gestation in normal uncomplicated pregnancy
ZA Jeremiah, TC Adias, M Opiah, SP George, O Mgbere, EJ Essien
International journal of women's health, 437-443, 2012
The prevalence of Plasmodia parasitaemia among donors in the Niger delta of Nigeria
O Erhabor, O Ok, I Awah, KE Uko, AT Charles
Tropical doctor 37 (1), 32-34, 2007
Harmony in health sector: a requirement for effective healthcare delivery in Nigeria
E Osaro, AT Charles
Asian Pacific journal of tropical medicine 7, S1-S5, 2014
The prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus infection among TB patients in Port Harcourt Nigeria
O Erhabor, ZA Jeremiah, TC Adias, CE Okere
HIV/AIDS-Research and Palliative Care, 1-5, 2010
The distribution of ABO and Rhesus blood groups among residents of Gusau, Zamfara State, North Western Nigeria
O Erhabor, IZ Isaac, A Saidu, HM Ahmed, Y Abdulrahaman, A Festus, ...
Res Rev J Med Health Sci 2 (4), 58-63, 2013
Effects of falciparum malaria on the indices of anaemia among pregnant women in the Niger Delta of Nigeria
O Erhabor, TC Adias, ML Hart
Journal of Clinical Medicine and Research 2 (3), 035-041, 2010
Autologous blood transfusion-a review
T Charles, Z Jeremiah, E Uko, E Osaro
South African Journal of Surgery 44 (3), 114-119, 2006
From whole blood to component therapy: the economic, supply/demand need for implementation of component therapy in sub-Saharan Africa
O Erhabor, TC Adias
Transfusion clinique et biologique 18 (5-6), 516-526, 2011
Reduced haematological indices in auto-mechanics and fuel attendants in Elele Nigeria
AO Ajugwo, TC Adias, K Aghatise, JK Fadairo, CU Nyenke
Am J Med Biol Res 2 (1), 1-4, 2014
Silent Pandemic’: Evidence-Based Environmental and Public Health Practices to Respond to the Covid-19 Crisis. IntechOpen. DOI: http://dx. doi. org/10.5772/intechopen. 100204 …
OR Morufu, GR Aziba-anyam, CA Teddy
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency among children attending the emergency paediatric unit of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto, Nigeria
IZ Isaac, AS Mainasara, O Erhabor, ST Omojuyigbe, MK Dallatu, LS Bilbis, ...
International Journal of General Medicine, 557-562, 2013
Some hemostatic parameters in women with obstetric hemorrhage in Sokoto, Nigeria
O Erhabor, IZ Isaac, AM Muhammad, Y Abdulrahaman, AC Ezimah, ...
International journal of women's health, 285-291, 2013
Evaluation of coagulation parameters and liver enzymes among alcohol drinkers in Port Harcourt, Nigeria
TC Adias, E Egerton, O Erhabor
International journal of general medicine, 489-494, 2013
Evidence-based Environmental and Public Health Practices to Respond to the COVID-19 Crisis, 07 May 2021
OR Morufu, GR Aziba-anyam, CA Teddy
PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square [https://doi. org/10.21203 …, 2021
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