Robert Indik
Robert Indik
Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona
Email yang diverifikasi di math.arizona.edu
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Space-time dynamics of wide-gain-section lasers
PK Jakobsen, JV Moloney, AC Newell, R Indik
Physical Review A 45 (11), 8129, 1992
Effective Bloch equations for semiconductor lasers and amplifiers
CZ Ning, RA Indik, JV Moloney
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 33 (9), 1543-1550, 1997
Modeling the interplay of thermal effects and transverse mode behavior in native-oxide-confined vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers
T Rössler, RA Indik, GK Harkness, JV Moloney, CZ Ning
Physical Review A 58 (4), 3279, 1998
Local adaptive Galerkin bases for large-dimensional dynamical systems
DS Broomhead, R Indik, AC Newell, DA Rand
Nonlinearity 4 (2), 159, 1991
Hexagons and squares in a passive nonlinear optical system
JB Geddes, RA Indik, JV Moloney, WJ Firth
Physical Review A 50 (4), 3471, 1994
Semiconductor laser array dynamics: numerical simulations on multistripe index-guided lasers
H Adachihara, O Hess, R Indik, JV Moloney
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 10 (3), 496-506, 1993
The influence of electron-hole-scattering on the gain spectra of highly excited semiconductors
S Hughes, A Knorr, SW Koch, R Binder, R Indik, JV Moloney
Solid state communications 100 (8), 555-559, 1996
Double-resonant optical materials with embedded metal nanostructures
IR Gabitov, RA Indik, NM Litchinitser, AI Maimistov, VM Shalaev, ...
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 23 (3), 535-542, 2006
Dynamic instabilities in master oscillator power amplifier semiconductor lasers
A Egan, CZ Ning, JV Moloney, RA Indik, MW Wright, DJ Bossert, ...
IEEE journal of quantum electronics 34 (1), 166-170, 1998
The geometry of the phase diffusion equation
NM Ercolani, R Indik, AC Newell, T Passot
Journal of Nonlinear Science 10, 223-274, 2000
Self-consistent approach to thermal effects in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers
CZ Ning, RA Indik, JV Moloney
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 12 (10), 1993-2004, 1995
Defects are weak and self-dual solutions of the Cross-Newell phase diffusion equation for natural patterns
AC Newell, T Passot, C Bowman, N Ercolani, R Indik
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 97 (1-3), 185-205, 1996
Three-dimensional simulations of degenerate counterpropagating beam instabilities in a nonlinear medium
R Chang, WJ Firth, R Indik, JV Moloney, EM Wright
Optics communications 88 (2-3), 167-172, 1992
Modulational-induced optical pattern formation in a passive optical-feedback system
JV Moloney, H Adachihara, R Indik, C Lizarraga, R Northcutt, ...
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 7 (6), 1039-1044, 1990
Full space-time simulation for high-brightness semiconductor lasers
JV Moloney, RA Indik, CZ Ning
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 9 (6), 731-733, 1997
Generalized coupled-mode model for the multistripe index-guided laser arrays
P Ru, PK Jakobsen, JV Moloney, RA Indik
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 10 (3), 507-515, 1993
Twin families of bisolitons in dispersion-managed systems
I Gabitov, R Indik, L Mollenauer, M Shkarayev, M Stepanov, ...
Optics letters 32 (6), 605-607, 2007
Enhanced stability of MFA-MOPA semiconductor lasers using a nonlinear, trumpet-shaped flare
PMW Skovgaard, JG McInerney, JV Moloney, RA Indik, CZ Ning
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 9 (9), 1220-1222, 1997
Role of plasma cooling, heating, and memory effects in subpicosecond pulse propagation in semiconductor amplifiers
RA Indik, R Binder, M Mlejnek, JV Moloney, S Hughes, A Knorr, SW Koch
Physical Review A 53 (5), 3614, 1996
Diode-laser array modes: discrete and continuous models and their stability
PK Jakobsen, RA Indik, JV Moloney, AC Newell, HG Winful, L Raman
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 8 (8), 1674-1680, 1991
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