Anne K. Churchland
Anne K. Churchland
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Single-trial neural dynamics are dominated by richly varied movements
S Musall, MT Kaufman, AL Juavinett, S Gluf, AK Churchland
Nature neuroscience 22 (10), 1677-1686, 2019
Decision-making with multiple alternatives
AK Churchland, R Kiani, MN Shadlen
Nature neuroscience 11 (6), 693-702, 2008
Probabilistic population codes for Bayesian decision making
JM Beck, WJ Ma, R Kiani, T Hanks, AK Churchland, J Roitman, ...
Neuron 60 (6), 1142-1152, 2008
The cost of accumulating evidence in perceptual decision making
J Drugowitsch, R Moreno-Bote, AK Churchland, MN Shadlen, A Pouget
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (11), 3612-3628, 2012
A category-free neural population supports evolving demands during decision-making
D Raposo, MT Kaufman, AK Churchland
Nature neuroscience 17 (12), 1784-1792, 2014
Variance as a signature of neural computations during decision making
AK Churchland, R Kiani, R Chaudhuri, XJ Wang, A Pouget, MN Shadlen
Neuron 69 (4), 818-831, 2011
Probing perceptual decisions in rodents
M Carandini, AK Churchland
Nature neuroscience 16 (7), 824-831, 2013
Large-scale neural recordings call for new insights to link brain and behavior
AE Urai, B Doiron, AM Leifer, AK Churchland
Nature neuroscience 25 (1), 11-19, 2022
Multisensory decision-making in rats and humans
D Raposo, JP Sheppard, PR Schrater, AK Churchland
Journal of neuroscience 32 (11), 3726-3735, 2012
Partial ablations of the flocculus and ventral paraflocculus in monkeys cause linked deficits in smooth pursuit eye movements and adaptive modification of the VOR
H Rambold, A Churchland, Y Selig, L Jasmin, SG Lisberger
Journal of neurophysiology 87 (2), 912-924, 2002
Catalyzing next-generation artificial intelligence through neuroai
A Zador, S Escola, B Richards, B Ölveczky, Y Bengio, K Boahen, ...
Nature communications 14 (1), 1597, 2023
Posterior parietal cortex guides visual decisions in rats
AM Licata, MT Kaufman, D Raposo, MB Ryan, JP Sheppard, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (19), 4954-4966, 2017
Mice alternate between discrete strategies during perceptual decision-making
ZC Ashwood, NA Roy, IR Stone, International Brain Laboratory, AE Urai, ...
Nature Neuroscience 25 (2), 201-212, 2022
Chronically implanted Neuropixels probes enable high-yield recordings in freely moving mice
AL Juavinett, G Bekheet, AK Churchland
Elife 8, e47188, 2019
Natural and Artificial Intelligence: A brief introduction to the interplay between AI and neuroscience research
T Macpherson, A Churchland, T Sejnowski, J DiCarlo, Y Kamitani, ...
Neural Networks 144, 603-613, 2021
An intentional framework
MN Shadlen, R Kiani, TD Hanks, AK Churchland
Better than conscious, 71-101, 2008
Neural correlates of instrumental learning in primary auditory cortex
DT Blake, F Strata, AK Churchland, MM Merzenich
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (15), 10114-10119, 2002
Standardized and reproducible measurement of decision-making in mice
International Brain Laboratory, V Aguillon-Rodriguez, D Angelaki, ...
Elife 10, e63711, 2021
Excitatory and inhibitory subnetworks are equally selective during decision-making and emerge simultaneously during learning
F Najafi, GF Elsayed, R Cao, E Pnevmatikakis, PE Latham, ...
Neuron 105 (1), 165-179. e8, 2020
The speed and accuracy of a simple perceptual decision: a mathematical primer
MN Shadlen, TD Hanks, AK Churchland, R Kiani, T Yang
Bayesian brain: Probabilistic approaches to neural coding, 209-37, 2006
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