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Visualization of white matter fiber tracts of brain tissue sections with wide-field imaging Mueller polarimetry
P Schucht, HR Lee, HM Mezouar, E Hewer, A Raabe, M Murek, I Zubak, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 39 (12), 4376-4382, 2020
Direct Experimental Evidence of Halide Ionic Migration under Bias in CH3NH3PbI3–xClx-Based Perovskite Solar Cells Using GD-OES Analysis
H Lee, S Gaiaschi, P Chapon, A Marronnier, H Lee, JC Vanel, ...
ACS Energy Letters 2 (4), 943-949, 2017
Digital histology with Mueller microscopy: how to mitigate an impact of tissue cut thickness fluctuations
HR Lee, P Li, TSH Yoo, C Lotz, FK Groeber-Becker, S Dembski, ...
J. of Biomedical Optics 24 (7), 076004, 2019
Analysis of tissue microstructure with Mueller microscopy: logarithmic decomposition and Monte Carlo modeling
P Li, HR Lee, S Chandel, C Lotz, FK Groeber-Becker, S Dembski, ...
Journal of biomedical optics 25 (1), 015002-015002, 2020
Effects of UV-ozone irradiation on copper doped nickel acetate and its applicability to perovskite solar cells
J Kim, HR Lee, HP Kim, T Lin, A Kanwat, AR bin Mohd Yusoff, J Jang
Nanoscale 8 (17), 9284-9292, 2016
Optical diagnosis of gastric tissue biopsies with Mueller microscopy and statistical analysis
M Kim, HR Lee, R Ossikovski, A Malfait-Jobart, D Lamarque, T Novikova
Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications 18 (2), 10, 2022
Mueller microscopy of anisotropic scattering media: theory and experiments
HR Lee, TSH Yoo, P Li, C Lotz, FK Groeber-Becker, S Dembski, ...
Unconventional Optical Imaging 10677, 222-229, 2018
Mueller matrix imaging for collagen scoring in mice model of pregnancy
HR Lee, I Saytashev, L Vinh Nguyen Du, M Mahendroo, ...
Scientific Reports 11, 15621, 2021
Electrical and optical degradation study of methylammonium-based perovskite materials under ambient conditions
A Marronnier, H Lee, H Lee, M Kim, C Eypert, JP Gaston, G Roma, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 178, 179-185, 2018
Digital histology with Mueller polarimetry and FastDBSCAN
HR Lee, C Lotz, FK Groeber-Becker, S Dembski, T Novikova
Appl. Opt 61 (32), 9616-9624, 2022
Graphene oxide grafted polyethylenimine electron transport materials for highly efficient organic devices
J Kim, H Lee, SJ Lee, WJ Da Silva, AR bin Mohd Yusoff, J Jang
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3 (44), 22035-22042, 2015
Mueller polarimetry of brain tissues
T Novikova, A Pierangelo, P Schucht, I Meglinski, O Rodríguez-Núñez, ...
Polarized Light in Biomedical Imaging and Sensing: Clinical and Preclinical …, 2022
Soft X-ray characterization of halide perovskite film by scanning transmission X-ray microscopy
H Jun, HR Lee, D Tondelier, B Geffroy, P Schulz, JÉ Bourée, ...
Scientific reports 12 (1), 4520, 2022
Digital histology of tissue with Mueller microscopy and FastDBSCAN
HR Lee, C Lotz, F Kai Groeber Becker, S Dembski, T Novikova
Applied optics 61 (32), 9616-9624, 2022
Retardance map of brain white matter: a potential game changer for the intra-operative navigation during brain tumor surgery
O Roríguez-Núñez, P Schucht, HR Lee, MH Mezouar, E Hewer, A Raabe, ...
European Conference on Biomedical Optics, ETu3A. 7, 2021
GPU-accelerated online Monte Carlo (MC) application for imitation of twisted light propagation in turbid tissue-like scattering media (Conference Presentation)
A Doronin, HR Lee, T Novikova, N Vera, JP Staforelli, A Bykov, I Meglinski
Optical Biopsy XVIII: Toward Real-Time Spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis …, 2020
Wide-Field Mueller Polarimetry of Brain Tissue Sections for Visualization of White Matter Fiber Tracts
P Schucht, HR Lee, MH Mezouar, E Hewer, A Raabe, M Murek, I Zubak, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.12440, 2020
Mueller microscopy of full thickness skin models combined with image segmentation
HR Lee, C Lotz, FK Groeber-Becker, S Dembski, E Garcia-Caurel, ...
European Conferences on Biomedical Optics 11076 (Advances in Microscopic …, 2019
Digital histology of gastric tissue biopsies with liquid crystal-based Mueller microscope and machine learning approach
M Kim, HR Lee, R Ossikovski, A Jobart-Malfait, D Lamarque, T Novikova
Liquid Crystals Optics and Photonic Devices 13016, 30-32, 2024
Two Monte Carlo approaches for simulating polarized light transport in tissues: Black-box comparison and evaluation (Conference Presentation)
A Doronin, HR Lee, T Novikova
Biomedical Applications of Light Scattering XIII, PC123930E, 2023
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