Thomas Angerer
Thomas Angerer
Economic Geologist, Geological Survey of Austria (GBA)
Email yang diverifikasi di geologie.ac.at
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The chemistry of hydrothermal magnetite: A review
P Nadoll, T Angerer, JL Mauk, D French, J Walshe
Ore geology reviews 61, 1-32, 2014
BIF-hosted iron mineral system: A review
SG Hagemann, T Angerer, P Duuring, CA Rosière, RCF e Silva, L Lobato, ...
Ore Geology Reviews 76, 317-359, 2016
Geochemical evolution of the banded iron formation-hosted high-grade iron ore system in the Koolyanobbing Greenstone Belt, Western Australia
T Angerer, SG Hagemann, LV Danyushevsky
Economic Geology 107 (4), 599-644, 2012
The BIF-hosted high-grade iron ore deposits in the Archean Koolyanobbing Greenstone Belt, Western Australia: structural control on synorogenic-and weathering-related magnetite …
T Angerer, SG Hagemann
Economic Geology 105 (5), 917-945, 2010
Multiple metal sources in the glaciomarine facies of the Neoproterozoic Jacadigo iron formation in the “Santa Cruz deposit”, Corumbá, Brazil
T Angerer, SG Hagemann, DHG Walde, GP Halverson, AJ Boyce
Precambrian Research 275, 369-393, 2016
Banded iron formation to iron ore: a record of the evolution of Earth environments?
KA Evans, TC McCuaig, D Leach, T Angerer, SG Hagemann
Geology 41 (2), 99-102, 2013
Geochemistry of a komatiitic, boninitic, and tholeiitic basalt association in the Mesoarchean Koolyanobbing greenstone belt, Southern Cross Domain, Yilgarn craton: Implications …
T Angerer, R Kerrich, SG Hagemann
Precambrian Research 224, 110-128, 2013
High-grade iron ore at Windarling, Yilgarn Craton: a product of syn-orogenic deformation, hypogene hydrothermal alteration and supergene modification in an Archean BIF-basalt …
T Angerer, SG Hagemann, L Danyushevsky
Mineralium Deposita 48, 697-728, 2013
Hydrothermal and metamorphic fluid-rock interaction associated with hypogene “hard” iron ore mineralisation in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Brazil: implications from in-situ …
AS Hensler, SG Hagemann, CA Rosière, T Angerer, S Gilbert
Ore Geology Reviews 69, 325-351, 2015
A mineral system approach to iron ore in Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic BIF of Western Australia
T Angerer, P Duuring, SG Hagemann, W Thorne, TC McCuaig
Determination of directions of horizontal principal stress and identification of active faults in Kachchh (India) by electromagnetic radiation (EMR)
J Mallik, G Mathew, T Angerer, RO Greiling
Journal of Geodynamics 45 (4-5), 234-245, 2008
Fabric development in a weathering profile at a basement–cover interface, the sub-Cambrian peneplain, Israel: Implications for decollement tectonics
T Angerer, RO Greiling, D Avigad
Journal of Structural Geology 33 (5), 819-832, 2011
On the significance of accelerator enriched layers in wet-mix shotcrete
M Sakoparnig, I Galan, W Kusterle, B Lindlar, G Koraimann, T Angerer, ...
Tunnelling and underground space technology 131, 104764, 2023
Stable isotope imprint of hypogene speleogenesis: Lessons from Austrian caves
C Spötl, Y Dublyansky, G Koltai, C Honiat, L Plan, T Angerer
Chemical Geology 572, 120209, 2021
Diagenetic and supergene ore forming processes in the iron formation of the Neoproterozoic Jacadigo Group, Corumbá, Brazil
T Angerer, SG Hagemann, DHG Walde
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 105, 102902, 2021
Iron oxide chemistry supports a multistage hydrothermal genesis of BIF-hosted hematite ore in the Mt. Tom Price and Mt. Whaleback deposits
T Angerer, W Thorne, SG Hagemann, M Tribus, NJ Evans, D Savard
Ore Geology Reviews 144, 104840, 2022
The genetic link between kamafugite magmatism and alkaline–carbonatite complexes in the Late Cretaceous Alto Paranaíba Igneous Province, Central Brazil
F Velásquez Ruiz, P Cordeiro, M Reich, JG Motta, CC Ribeiro, T Angerer, ...
International Geology Review 65 (13), 2148-2170, 2023
Source component mixing controls the variability in Cu and Au endowment along the strike of the Eastern Andean Cordillera in Peru
T Angerer, AIS Kemp, SG Hagemann, WK Witt, JO Santos, C Schindler, ...
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 173, 1-34, 2018
Fabric evolution at basement–cover interfaces in a fold-and-thrust belt and implications for décollement tectonics (Autochthon, Lower Allochthon, central Scandinavian Caledonides)
T Angerer, RO Greiling
International Journal of Earth Sciences 101, 1763-1788, 2012
BIF-related iron ore in the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia: Geological setting and ore forming processes
T Angerer, P Duuring, DF Lascelles, SG Hagemann
5th International Archean Symposium: Abstracts, Perth, Western Australia …, 2010
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