L Mahadevan
L Mahadevan
Harvard, Cambridge, MIT
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Biomimetic 4D printing
AS Gladman, EA Matsumoto, RG Nuzzo, L Mahadevan, JA Lewis
Nature Materials 15 (4), 413-418, 2016
Elastic behavior of cross-linked and bundled actin networks
ML Gardel, JH Shin, FC MacKintosh, L Mahadevan, P Matsudaira, ...
Science 304 (5675), 1301-1305, 2004
Geometry and physics of wrinkling
E Cerda, L Mahadevan
Physical Review Letters 90 (7), 074302, 2003
How the Venus flytrap snaps
Y Forterre, JM Skotheim, J Dumais, L Mahadevan
Nature 433 (7024), 421-425, 2005
Nested self-similar wrinkling patterns in skins
K Efimenko, M Rackaitis, E Manias, A Vaziri, L Mahadevan, J Genzer
Nature Materials 4 (4), 293-297, 2005
Microtubules can bear enhanced compressive loads in living cells because of lateral reinforcement
CP Brangwynne, FC MacKintosh, S Kumar, NA Geisse, J Talbot, ...
The Journal of Cell Biology 173 (5), 733-741, 2006
Non-equilibration of hydrostatic pressure in blebbing cells
GT Charras, JC Yarrow, MA Horton, L Mahadevan, TJ Mitchison
Nature 435 (7040), 365-369, 2005
The cytoplasm of living cells behaves as a poroelastic material
E Moeendarbary, L Valon, M Fritzsche, AR Harris, DA Moulding, ...
Nature Materials 12 (3), 253-261, 2013
Phototactic guidance of a tissue-engineered soft-robotic ray
SJ Park, M Gazzola, KS Park, S Park, V Di Santo, EL Blevins, JU Lind, ...
Science 353 (6295), 158-162, 2016
The “cheerios effect”
D Vella, L Mahadevan
American Journal of Physics 73 (9), 817-825, 2005
Adaptive fluid-infused porous films with tunable transparency and wettability
X Yao, Y Hu, A Grinthal, TS Wong, L Mahadevan, J Aizenberg
Nature Materials 12 (6), 529-534, 2013
Villification: how the gut gets its villi
AE Shyer, T Tallinen, NL Nerurkar, Z Wei, ES Gil, DL Kaplan, CJ Tabin, ...
Science 342 (6155), 212-218, 2013
On the growth and form of cortical convolutions
T Tallinen, JY Chung, F Rosseau, N Girard, J Lefevre, L Mahadevan
Nature Physics 12, 588-93, 2016
Life and times of a cellular bleb
GT Charras, M Coughlin, TJ Mitchison, L Mahadevan
Biophysical Journal 94 (5), 1836-1853, 2008
On the growth and form of the gut
T Savin, NA Kurpios, AE Shyer, P Florescu, H Liang, L Mahadevan, ...
Nature 476 (7358), 57-62, 2011
Hygromorphs: from pine cones to biomimetic bilayers
E Reyssat, L Mahadevan
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 6 (39), 951-957, 2009
Programming curvature using origami tessellations
LH Dudte, E Vouga, T Tachi, L Mahadevan
Nature materials 15 (5), 583-588, 2016
Strain-induced alignment in collagen gels
D Vader, A Kabla, D Weitz, L Mahadevan
PloS one 4 (6), e5902, 2009
Quantifying cell-generated mechanical forces within living embryonic tissues
O Campàs, T Mammoto, S Hasso, RA Sperling, D O'connell, AG Bischof, ...
Nature methods 11 (2), 183-189, 2014
Geometric mechanics of periodic pleated origami
ZY Wei, ZV Guo, L Dudte, HY Liang, L Mahadevan
Physical review letters 110 (21), 215501, 2013
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