A. Lee Swindlehurst
A. Lee Swindlehurst
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California Irvine
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Zero-forcing methods for downlink spatial multiplexing in multiuser MIMO channels
QH Spencer, AL Swindlehurst, M Haardt
IEEE transactions on signal processing 52 (2), 461-471, 2004
An overview of massive MIMO: Benefits and challenges
L Lu, GY Li, AL Swindlehurst, A Ashikhmin, R Zhang
IEEE journal of selected topics in signal processing 8 (5), 742-758, 2014
A vector-perturbation technique for near-capacity multiantenna multiuser communication-part I: channel inversion and regularization
CB Peel, BM Hochwald, AL Swindlehurst
IEEE Transactions on Communications 53 (1), 195-202, 2005
Principles of physical layer security in multiuser wireless networks: A survey
A Mukherjee, SAA Fakoorian, J Huang, AL Swindlehurst
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 16 (3), 1550-1573, 2014
An introduction to the multi-user MIMO downlink
QH Spencer, CB Peel, AL Swindlehurst, M Haardt
IEEE communications Magazine 42 (10), 60-67, 2004
Millimeter-wave massive MIMO: The next wireless revolution?
AL Swindlehurst, E Ayanoglu, P Heydari, F Capolino
IEEE Communications Magazine 52 (9), 56-62, 2014
Modeling the statistical time and angle of arrival characteristics of an indoor multipath channel
QH Spencer, BD Jeffs, MA Jensen, AL Swindlehurst
IEEE Journal on Selected areas in communications 18 (3), 347-360, 2000
A vector-perturbation technique for near-capacity multiantenna multiuser communication-Part II: Perturbation
BM Hochwald, CB Peel, AL Swindlehurst
IEEE Transactions on Communications 53 (3), 537-544, 2005
Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces for 6G systems: Principles, applications, and research directions
C Pan, H Ren, K Wang, JF Kolb, M Elkashlan, M Chen, M Di Renzo, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 59 (6), 14-20, 2021
A performance analysis of subspace-based methods in the presence of model errors. I. The MUSIC algorithm
AL Swindlehurst, T Kailath
IEEE Transactions on signal processing 40 (7), 1758-1774, 1992
An overview of signal processing techniques for RIS/IRS-aided wireless systems
C Pan, G Zhou, K Zhi, S Hong, T Wu, Y Pan, H Ren, M Di Renzo, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 16 (5), 883-917, 2022
Channel estimation and performance analysis of one-bit massive MIMO systems
Y Li, C Tao, G Seco-Granados, A Mezghani, AL Swindlehurst, L Liu
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 65 (15), 4075-4089, 2017
Robust beamforming for security in MIMO wiretap channels with imperfect CSI
A Mukherjee, AL Swindlehurst
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 59 (1), 351-361, 2010
A comprehensive overview on 5G-and-beyond networks with UAVs: From communications to sensing and intelligence
Q Wu, J Xu, Y Zeng, DWK Ng, N Al-Dhahir, R Schober, AL Swindlehurst
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 39 (10), 2912-2945, 2021
Wireless relay communications with unmanned aerial vehicles: Performance and optimization
P Zhan, K Yu, AL Swindlehurst
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 47 (3), 2068-2085, 2011
Subspace-based signal analysis using singular value decomposition
AJ Van Der Veen, EDF Deprettere, AL Swindlehurst
Proceedings of the IEEE 81 (9), 1277-1308, 1993
Cooperative jamming for secure communications in MIMO relay networks
J Huang, AL Swindlehurst
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 59 (10), 4871-4884, 2011
Experimental characterization of the MIMO wireless channel: Data acquisition and analysis
JW Wallace, MA Jensen, AL Swindlehurst, BD Jeffs
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2 (2), 335-343, 2003
Optimization of MANET connectivity via smart deployment/movement of unmanned air vehicles
Z Han, AL Swindlehurst, KJR Liu
IEEE Transactions on vehicular technology 58 (7), 3533-3546, 2009
Optimization of UAV heading for the ground-to-air uplink
F Jiang, AL Swindlehurst
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 30 (5), 993-1005, 2012
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